I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ohana means family

Back when I first started my blog, one of my very first entries was about my family. Why did I do this? Well, simply because my family is one of the most important things in my life. Just so that you don't have to scroll back. . . let me give you a little background on my interesting family situation.

My mom was married prior to meeting my dad, she had one son, her and her first husband split up.

My dad was married prior to meeting my mom, he had four children, eventually his marriage to his first wife ended as well.

Months pass by (maybe even years for my dad, I don't have the timeline down exactly) and my parents meet at an LDS church dance for single adults that they both did not want to go to.

Well, my mom was like a total fox and was getting asked to dance by all these guys, my dad walks in and sees her and eventually gets his turn to dance with her. INSTANT CONNECTION. They go out to pie afterwards and from that day on . . . spent every possible waking moment together. ONE MONTH LATER. . . . they got married. My mom with her 4 year old son, married my dad who had 4 teenagers. Oh, and I forgot to mention--my parents are sixteen years apart.

Talk about passion, am I right?? Anyway, a couple years later I was born and then my sister was born and so we are one big major real life "His, Mine, and Ours". When I was born, it was kind of monumental because I was half my dad and half my mom, thus almost "bonding" the family together as my dad would say.

We lived a charmed life, I loved my older siblings and my baby sister with my whole heart and I constantly bragged to others about how special my family was. We would go on family trips together, tease each other, have family get togethers constantly, we were a model family.

I never imagined that we would fall apart. . . . due to a series of events, feelings were hurt and words were said-- some that were beyond repairable  it seemed. Half of my siblings don't talk to one another, and as much as some of us refuse to admit it-- there is something missing. Its been about 9 months now since this all happened. . . it breaks my heart to think that most of my siblings wont be there for Carter's baby blessing. We have all said or done things we regret and so there is a lot of guilt and feelings of sadness. I hope someday we will all be able to soften our hearts but I think it will take time. This is our trial right now, and I hope we can pull through and remember we are an eternal family.

I love my family, I always will.

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