I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Monday, February 29, 2016

I tested GBS positive//

Could this pregnancy get any weirder?

I just found out I'm gbs-positive. For those not familiar with what this is, take a gander here:

THANKS TO MY ANXIETY, I am on an anxiety overdrive right now.

So, doc, let me get this straight. Not only do I have vasovagal syncope (totally uncommon, btw), I am also gbs-positive. EYE ROLL. Only 25% of women test positive for this? Aren't I lucky.

My momma is a labor and delivery nurse, and she assures me that this is not a big deal and not to freak out about it. But I had a PLAN. My mom and I were going to labor (like how I say my mom and I) hard for as long as we possibly could AT HOME, and then make the 12 minute drive to the hospital and probably meet JJ there because he's a full-time student and most likely he will be in class. By this time, we would hook me up to the IV and get an epidural ready in case I decide to not do natural.

Wellp, now. . . I have to have two rounds of antibiotics administered through an IV (which could take up to 4 hours) and if that doesn't happen, then it increases the risk of little sweet baby Carter being GBS positive which could mean that he would be possibly spending time in the NICU hooked up to his own IV :( Noooooooooo.........

Also, mandatory that I stay 48 hours at the hospital. Instead of the usual 24.

Let me tell you something, I am a wimp. Like, no, I really am. Go ahead and laugh. . . or maybe wait until I tell you this part:

So, I'm so scared of needles. (just typing the "n-word" makes me want to get into the fetal position) That I have had a conversation about the "IV" probably 68 times with my mom. We have had to come up with an elaborate, written-out plan because if not, I would probably hypervenilate everyday.

1. Anxiety pill prior to getting IV
2. Charge nurse 1-time stick in for the IV: She will be forewarned NOT to tell me I have nice veins, not to tell me I'll feel just a little pinch, not to check each vein individually, and DEFINITELY tell me "we are almost done", even if she has to lie.
3. I also will have sedation medication given to me before receiving the IV
4. JJ holding my hand the whole time and my mom talking to me about Hawaii....the whole time.

Ask me if I'm nervous about the contractions or the epidural? or even pooping during labor? N.O.

Its that HUGE IV NEEDLE THAT REALLY DOESN'T EVEN HURT THAT MUCH that is consuming all my thoughts.

So, anyway. I'm going to go get a paper bag now and try to calm myself. K BYYYYYYE

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