I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Friday, March 16, 2012

A list of things I like to love...

1. Camping in the summer under a sky that shines brightly with stars
2. Reading a novel that I cannot put down; where the characters become so real to me that I feel connected to them somehow
3. Thunder and lighting in the summer
4. The smell of a new car
5. Handwritten letters
6. When my dad tells me he's proud of me
7. Buying new shoes
8. getting my hair done
9. Freshly shaven legs against clean sheets
10. The smell after it has just rained
11. Sunburns that turn into tans
12. Modest swimsuits that are stylish
13. Christmas Eve and Christmas family traditions
14. A workout that makes me feel good about myself
15. Knowing that someone loves me
16. Looking at him to find him already staring
17. Being in a play and those bright, hot, lights
18. Making the game winning shot in a basketball game
19. Having a fight with my boyfriend, and then making up (the making up part is what I like)
20. Sleeping in a cabin in the woods
21. Listening to crickets on a hot summer night
22. Drive-in movies
23. Trucks and cowboy boots
24. Patient and loving fathers
25. Disney movies that remind me of the innocence of my childhood
26. Not wearing eye makeup and being able to rub my eyes
27. Wearing sweatpants and his t-shirt and he still thinks I am beautiful
28. Hearing my favorite song on the radio and dancing with friends in my car
29. Remembering stories about how I first met someone
30. Running to the mailbox every day
31. Red starbursts
32. Marathons of my favorite TV shows; The Office, Breaking Bad, New Girl,Glee, and Awkward
33. Love songs from the 50's and 60's
34. Black and white Audrey Hepburn movies
35. The actress, Sandra Dee
36. Wearing bold lipstick and not caring
37. When my makeup looks flawless
38. Dairy Queen blizzards
39. The colds side of my pillow
40. Perfumes that bring back a certain memory. Lucky=summer time
41. Slow dancing
42. Telling ghost stories while sitting around a campfire
43. The smell of chlorine in my hair after swimming in a pool for hours
44. Hot-tubbing
45. Snow on Christmas
46. Receiving packages
47. The ocean
48. Falling asleep to the rain
49. When someone does your hair
50. Trains
51. Kissing, and just kissing.
52. When a Taylor Swift song goes perfectly with my current love life situation
53. Inside jokes
54. Laughing so hard I cry
55. College--and all that comes with that
56. Rocking a baby to sleep, having a baby fall asleep on my chest. Babies in general. Can't wait to be a mommy someday
57. Memories that have made me the person that I am today
58. Brown eyes..HIS brown eyes
59. The thrill of the beginning of a relationship
60. When someone's laugh is better than the joke
61. Feeling pretty
62. My sweet mom hugging me after a bad day
63. When I work so hard on a project and get an A
64. Meeting new friends and quickly becoming inseparable
65. Scary movies with my boyfriend
66. Roller coasters and Ferris wheels
67. Vacations to warm places
68. The smell of Hawaii
69. The Gospel
70. Making music videos with my friends and family
71. Saying "I love you" to someone for the first time and meaning it
72. High school dances
73. Romance movies that melt your heart
74. Keeping a secret
75. Rodeos--WOW, I love rodeos
77. Roasting marshmallows over a fire
78. Sand between my toes
79. Summer breeze
80. Chocolate covered strawberries
81. Diet Dr. Pepper
82. The sound of a baby laughing
83. Dreams that leave you not wanting to wake up
84. Holding my boyfriend's hand in public
85. Orange creme slush' at Sonic
86. Girls Camp
87. Pedicures and manicures
88. Bike rides around the McCall lake
89. Idaho
90. Road trips
91. Making money
92. Snow cones, frozen custard, and lemonade
93. Dancing in the rain
94. Jumping into water
95. A first kiss that you know means something
96. Taking pictures with my friends
97. Being teased by my brothers
98. Fishing in the river
99. The Western Idaho Fair
100. Jared Jordan Hyde

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