I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Here comes the sun!!

Today the weather was LOVELY.
Ahron and I took full advantage of the sunshine, and went on a bike ride.

another reason why today was such a fabulous day?

I got THREE letters. 
First one: from my dear friend Parker Dance--Elder Dance now, he is serving an LDS mission in Argentina. He was in my ward last semester at school, and his apartment became super good friends with our apartment. It was so great to hear from him. He is rockin' it in the MTC. 
He is SO short. I tower over this little guy, haha!
Second letter: From one of my very best friends, who I also met in Rexburg. Colby Larsen. Colby is serving in the Boise, Idaho mission--cool, aye? He is in Declo right now--he is doing well. His letter made me laugh out loud a few times. He is a character! :)
The last letter was from JJ a.k.a. the love of my life. I was ecstatic to say the least, because the envelope was literally bulging. I opened it to find TONS of pictures :) He is so handsome. I will make sure to upload some onto the blog. He looks so happy and just as cute as ever. I love him with my whole heart. I was a little jealous to find that the letter was addressed to "Mama G" only..ha, so no letter this week but a picture "speaks a thousand words", right? He is the best boyfriend in the world, and is doing so good on his mission. He is so focused. He is a great example to me.

I am looking forward to Spring and more warm weather. I am thankful for all the great people in my life that make me a better ME.

Also, in other news:
1. I have perfected my casserole making skills. I make a mean cheesy chicken broccoli casserole which my family LOVES. I also learned how to make a really yummy dessert. Wooo!
2. I can't stop reading the Hunger Games...so, therefore, I am not very productive. I cant wait until the movie comes out. I get chills just thinking about it.
3. I finally cleaned my room, this was before I started heavily reading the Hunger Games--thank heavens!
4. I teach my first relief society lesson on Sunday, I'm nervous. I'm excited. Its on the priesthood, is there a greater topic than that? my favorite.
5. I am almost finished with my personal progress. Yes, I can still get it. No, I didn't get it in high school...so ashamed of that. But hey, better late than never--right?
Today was just another day in paradise.

I am so blessed.

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