I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Elder Hyde is so happy!

Alright, so--here are just a few pictures of JJ in Peru.
My scanner is a dinosaur. It's ghetto and literally takes 100 years to scan photos and I am impatient. Who would've thought, me impatient? :) Here are just a few of the 20+ pictures he sent me. I love him.

Just a couple of the amazing things from his last letter:

"I am so impressed by your faith, I always have been. And you continue to impress me. Sincerely praying and believing that you will receive an answer can be a great trial of faith. Thank you so much for your great example to me. Sometimes I find myself doubting that I will receive an answer about something, but when we doubt we will never receive an answer."

"...after the meeting, my district and one other had interviews with President Turk. My interview was so awesome babe! First he asked how my health and my comp were. Both were great so then it was open to questions I could ask President. Well, a couple weeks ago Elder Shaw asked me what I wanted to gain or take home from the mission. At the time I didn't know but it caused me to think constantly about it. later I was reading Moroni 7:41-48 and then it hit me. If there is one thing I want or one attribute I want to return home with, it would definitely have to be Charity. For without charity, we have nothing but with charity we have everything. The pure love of Christ. I believe this is the most important attribute we can take from this life. So my first question to President Turk was, "How can I develop charity and humility?" Well actually my first question was, "how can I humble myself?" I had this question because I was reading Alma 32:13-16. I want to humble myself rather than be humbled or compelled to be humbled. President said 1.) Serve. 2.) Recognize relationship with others. 3.) Be willing to sacrifice. 4.) PRAY. Then he talked about love and I asked how I could develop charity. He said it all starts with LOVE.."

Guys, I am so proud of him. His letters are full of stories from the scriptures, talks he has listened to, experiences from his mission, and other uplifting things. He also always makes sure to tell me how much he loves me and appreciates all the support I give him. I am so blessed to have this guy in my life.

20 letters and almost five months down. Where has the time gone? See you in a few months, babe!

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