I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm going to be a busy girl starting April.

So, this morning at 6 AM I registered for my classes.
As some of you may know, I am transferring to BSU in January 2013. So, with the an academic adviser's help, we decided it would be best if I got my Associates Degree at BYUI, and THEN transfer...so, I'm taking seventeen credits this semester. And here are the classes I am taking:

Family Relations--Studies the importance of families and their roles. My cluster is Child Development so I am required to take this class. Its three credits and online, so I'm a wee bit nervous.

Advanced Writing also known as English 201-- This is a foundation class and obviously required for me to get my Associates. I love English, so it should be okay.

Family Foundations--Its a religion class and required for my cluster. I need to take 8 credits in Religion courses, I currently have four, soon to be six. I plan on taking Marriage Prep in the Fall which will bring me to...EIGHT credits.

Climate Change--Science class, eh--shoot me. Not looking forward to this one.

Heroic Journey--A foundation course for humanities. I hear its pretty legit.

& last but not least, BEGINNING SPANISH. I am really excited for this one. It is a four credit class, I have an awesome professor, and I am taking it with my friend Catherine. Watch out JJ, soon I'll be writing you letters in Spanish. ;)

So there is my schedule for the Spring. I don't have class on Fridays and my first class every day starts at 10:15, my roommates ROCK, and my apartment is way nice. Also, this semester is going to rock because well, its summer for starters. I'm going to be playing competitive basketball (love.love.love.), I will be making lots of new friends, eating healthy, going swimming when it finally starts getting really warm, going on road trips with roomies, and 4th of July fireworks in Idaho Falls. I am so stoked to see what fun memories are made this semester--almost all my best friends from last spring are either transferred to different schools, or on missions so I am anxious to see how everything turns out. BRING ON THE SPRING!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your new classes!!
    I'm super excited for Spring too, because my mish comes home in January!!!! AHHH crazy.
    Best of luck at school, and your wait!
    - Stephanie

    P.S- can't get over how adorable you and your mish are together :) love it!
