I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Like Crazy.

Alright, so I rented this flick called, "Like Crazy".
Its about a boy. and a girl.
they fall in love in college. But, girl is from UK. Boy is from LA.
Throughout the film, you fall in love with both characters and your heart aches for their dilemma.
The young couple finally come to terms that after they both graduate college, girl must go back to London due to her visa being expired, or what not.
They would be apart an entire two and a half months.(not long at all)
Well, she can't handle that and instead decides to stay.
I wont tell you the rest of the story, in case some of you want to rent it.

I liked the movie quite a bit. It made me reflect on a few things.
Firstly, it made me remember how much I love to write. (The main character is a writer.)
I have notebooks and notebooks of poetry that I have written throughout the years, and I miss having the time and desire to just write out my thoughts and feelings. I guess, my blog, is where I take the time to document whats going on in my life..but tonight after the movie, I took out my high school journal that I religiously wrote in every single night for two years.
I remembered a lot about high school Genny.
1. I used to be afraid of everything.
2. I let my basketball coach take away my confidence, shame on me.
3. I cared way too much about what people thought of me.
4. I cried over arguments with my dad.
5. My sister and I didn't get along.
6. I broke up with my boyfriend almost every other week.
7. I wanted to get married, very badly.
8. I was stubborn and set in my ways.

How has college Genny changed, or improved?
1. I'm not as afraid of so many things. I'm more willing to try new things, and take on extreme adventures.
2. I don't let anyone take my confidence away.
3. I still care about what people think of me. This will always be one of my problems. I don't care as much, but I still care.
4. My dad and I don't argue as much. Never, really. I was stubborn and so is he. I'm still stubborn. I guess I just know when to hold my tongue..a little bit better than I did before.
5. My sister and I get along. but it takes work. We could not be more night and day.
6. My boyfriend is on a mission. we don't break up every other week. Thankfully.
7. I want to get married, but not badly. I like thinking about marriage, but I'm not quite ready to take on that responsibility. I've got some things I need to do before I have a husband.
8. still stubborn.

Its funny to see the similarities and the changes between the now Genny and the then Genny. I found an entry from February 2009 and it said something about my basketball team going to Applebees and giving our phone numbers to the Vallivue boys basketball team. That was the night I met JJ, I smiled.

Another thing that I gained from the movie was this..
Time and distance can either break a relationship, or build one.
Its the way you look at it, really. Some relationships die if a couple splits for longer than a summer or just a few months. Why is that, do you think? Well, after tonight..I think I know why.
Often times, people grow impatient. We're so used to a fast pace world that we are unable to slow down and appreciate the small things. We anticipate every move, plan our futures with ease(or so we think), and dwell on every negative thing that comes spinning our way. But, more than anything, we look at how much farther we have to go rather than how far we have come. I have been guilty of these thoughts on numerous occasions throughout my life. I can't wait to be sixteen. If I could only go to dances, my life would be so much better. College is going to be the best thing ever! I can't wait to get out of middleton. I wish I could just be married right now. I'm tired of being a teenager. 
Those were some of the little thoughts recorded in my journal. Why can't we just be content with the here and now?
Well, here I am again, getting off-track.
But what I am trying to say, is its easy to just break up and blame it on the distance and time. Its easy to grow impatient and throw in the towel. That's the easy thing to do. But what if you did allow a relationship to build?
Some say that good things come to those that wait.
I think that's a big fat lie. Good things don't just come to those who wait around. Good things come to those who go out and make something of their lives, and they work for those good things.
I've got plans, I've got goals, I've got aspirations. And that's what holds a relationship together--that's where it all comes down to. You've got to be you, and live your life and expect that the other person in the relationship is doing the same. If you sit around, wishing time would speed up, or that you could just be in a coma until you meet back up again..you're putty. you're drab. and they'll outgrow you. Its that edge, that passion, that love for the now, that freedom to have wings and fly that keeps the love between two people alive.
"Don't just be a pretty face." My dad has been saying that to me for years. And I finally, now, understand what that really means. Being a pretty face wont hold me for two years, it'll taint me. It will steal my fire. There's more to me than that.

Love is an action. Its more than three words mumbled at bedtime. Its a devotion. Its timeless. 
Its giddy, and dangerous, and powerful. Its heartbreaking. Its a force between two people.

"the trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead."-Marjorie Pay Hinckley

LOVE the now. BE PATIENT. DO things you like. & most importantly don't risk what you want most, for what you want now..

So here's to a relationship. A relationship where boy is in Peru, and girl is in Idaho.
girl is happy.
boy is happy.
girl likes her life, laughs every day, and appreciates the small things.
boy likes his life, laughs every day, and appreciates the small things.
girl is growing up, girl has learned what a sacrifice is, girl needs time.
boy has changed, boy has been humbled, boy needs Peru.
girl writes boy letters about her life, he appreciates those letters that make him laugh out loud.
boy writes girl about his life, she supports him. she's proud of him. There is no place she would rather him be.
girl loves boy, boy loves girl.
regardless of time.
regardless of distance.
No pressure on the future.

its just the now. and how far they have come.

& THAT my friends, is what the movie "Like Crazy" taught me.



  1. Oh my goodness I loved every single one of your thoughts in this post. You are such a smart girl. More girls need to have this attitude. it's crazy what we can learn from how we live our lives while they are gone. Nicely said :)

    1. Thanks Desiree. You are my hero! Honestly. You're doing EVERYTHING you're supposed to. I admire you in so many ways. You're living the life YOU want to.
      GIRL POWER :)
