I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

An eventful weekend full of FUN :)

So this weekend, I was actually quite the busy bug.
On friday, I went and watched my nephew Joseph's team in the State Basketball Tournament. I can hardly believe it is that time of the year again. Where does the time go?
Borah High School beat Timberline which meant they were headed to the Ship--Yee-haw!

Then after the game, my sister-in-law Scarlett, my mom, and I went and saw "This Means War" with Reese Witherspoon as the lead actress. I actually LOVED it, one of my favorite movies now. It has its crude parts, but what movie doesn't these days..sadly.

After the movie, my dad, mom, and I went and got something to eat at Denny's. It was delicious :)

On Saturday, I got my first pedicure EVER. WHAT HAVE I BEEN MISSING OUT ON? It was amazing. My toenails are now neon pink :) It was so much fun. AND I got the BEST LETTER EVER from my babe.
After that I went to the State tourny and my nephew, Joseph and his team took the 5A State TITLE! It was so exciting.

Afterwards, some of my family celebrated at Wingers.
JJ worked at Wingers before his
mission--so it reminds me
of him every time I go there
and our sticky-finger picnic
Utes gear :)
State Conference was wonderful.
it was an all-around fantastic weekend.


  1. yay! i love pedis! i really love getting them when i go to china because they are literally like $5 or less and they do such intricate designs. then i come home and leave them on for months. :) or at least until there is just a strip of color left. maybe i'm just lazy?! :)

    happy tuesday, friend!

  2. Love your blog!!
    It's so adorable and you and your mish are super cute together!!!
    best of luck on your wait :)

    P.S- LOVE the Broncos :) Tim Tebow is amazing. He went to my high school, hehe :)
