I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

best friend shout out to my Coders.

There are many guys in my life that mean so much to me--and have impacted my life positively.
Friends I have met throughout my life, teachers, bishops, my daddy, my brothers/all males in my family whom I am close to..

but there are two guys that I can truly call my BEST friends. Jaje. and then there is my nephew Cody.

This post is about my bff. Cody and I have been best friends since he was born, I swear. We are twins. We get a long so well. He makes me very happy. and he is just one of my all time favorite people to be around.

I am so blessed to have Cody in my life. I always go to him with my problems and he makes me feel so much better. He is supportive in all my decisions and is more like a brother to me, rather than a nephew.

We are 18 months apart, and throughout our entire lives we have always leaned on one another. He has impacted my life and I think the world of him.

We've made so many memories. My top fifteen favorite would have to be:
1. Aspiring to be professional ice skaters when we were in elementary school. We would take off our shoes in his basement and slide around on our socks to an old tape of his mom's. We would do spin moves and try to show each other up. We wrote a letter to Michelle Kwan and we were so excited when she responded. We honestly believe we were going to make it into the olympics.
2. Visiting his family in Utah when we were just little kiddos. Cody's family lived in Utah for a few years. We were devastated when he had to leave--we cried together when he moved away but it was always so exciting to visit.
3. The time I peed my pants because we were telling funny stories and we had to whisper because it was way past our bedtime--and I was trying to hold my laugh in while he was doing his southern accents and I peed my pants and started crying. We were about ten years old.
4. All the times we would lip-sync and put on performances in my "Canonero Way house".
5. The time we were in the same group for homecoming. We had so much fun at that dance with our friends who shared the same morals and standards.
6.Going to high school together and having the same friends. Sitting at lunch every day and laughing at inside jokes that nobody else understood.
7. The most awkward/embarrassing moment when he walked in on me kissing his friend/guy I liked. He never lets me live that night down.
8. The River trip. Enough said. So epic. Crazy adventure.
9. The time we thought an alien was in our camper and we both started bawling and screaming for our moms.
10. Silver City and going to the cemetery at midnight.
11. Our day trip to McCall.
12. The time he answered Craig Spjute to prom for me my senior year. He dressed up as a frog. It was so much fun.
13. Him always being there to tell me how good I did after my basketball games or plays.
14. Sleeping bags down the stairs.
15. laughing until snot comes out our noses or tears come from our eyes.

There are so many memories I have with my bestie. He is the best and I am so lucky to have him in my life. I don't know what I would've done without him these last four months. I am so proud to be his aunt. He is a remarkable young man with so many great things going for him. He is a three-sport athlete, in student council and show choir, has so many friends and family members that adore the heck out of him, he tries really hard in school and succeeds, he's going to be the most amazing missionary, and he is just an all around great person, I always tell him what an amazing dad and husband he will be someday. 

Thanks for all you do Code. Love you!


  1. I LOVE the ice skating story! Jeremy and i laughed and laughed!

  2. haha thanks Kell, we trained for the olympics in that basement of his :)
