I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I love Sundays. The best day of the week.

Today was lovely.
The Weatherman would probably disagree with me, however. It was rainy, windy, and gloomy..but aside from that, I had an amazing Sabbath day.

Church was awesome. I got to hold a baby. Alright, that sounds a little strange that I would be excited about holding a baby at church...but not if you're in a YSA Branch where there are literally never babies. This livened up Sacrament meeting...A LOT. My really good friend Tearce took discussions at my house my Senior Year and then got baptized two days after my 18th birthday, I was lucky enough to speak at her baptism...well, recently she has started coming back to church with me...after some rough patches in her life, and she brought her eight month old son, Tristin.

I played the role of "Auntie Genny" and I must say, he is quite the wiggle-worm, and he likes to yell out random baby words right in the middle of musical numbers. Naughty boy.... :)

After church, I was able to go over to JJ's house and visit with his parents Rod and Heather. I found out today that Rod & Heather read this blog from time to time. So, if you guys are reading this...thank you so much for having me over. Heather, I blame you if I gain some weight--those homemade cinnamon rollls are irresistible. Hands down, the best cinnamon rolls I have ever had. Yes, I said ROLLS..I had more than one. GUILTY! :) It was awesome to show you guys the pictures that JJ has sent me and just visit for a while. Thanks again for including me in things, its very sweet of you! ;)

I leave for my cruise next week. No more drab weather. Bring on the rays of sunshine and the virgin pina coladas. And that's all that I have for today.

Have an amazing Sunday, everyone! Thanks for reading my stuff ;) and never complaining (to me anyways) about my gooey love for JJ..ha, he's quite the catch!

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