I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Letter Day, Letter Day, oh hey--Its a LETTER DAY!!!!!!!

First of all, I finally finished decorating my little room...

The collage is so long, I couldn't fit it into just one picture

Its like wallpaper, I love it.

Some of my best friends :)


Now, for my letter...:) It was so good, first off. Best one YET. I mean, they just keep getting better and better. AND they always come at the perfect timing. I loved reading this letter..over, and over, and over again. So blessed to have J in my life, he is so full of the Spirit and such an amazing missionary..
Him and my dad tease each other through my letters
my dad will tell me something to tell him,
and he responds..crazy boys!
In case you can't read it, it says, "Dear Alpha Male,  So you have been the "Alpha Male" for quite a while, I mean, you're just not in the same shape as you used to be. Its about time for you to step down, it will be much easier this way. If not, you wont even hear me coming, seriously! The rooster has spoken!" :)

So cute, this is definitely getting hung
on my wall<3

& a well needed letter!

Some amazing gems:
"This week was Comp inventory. This is where we share our feelings, goals, and give each other compliments on things that we are doing well. Anyway babe, I told him(Elder Quispe) that we were going to work harder than anybody in the mission and be 100% obedient. This week has been so awesome, we are already seeing so many miracles Gen!"

"We had SIX investigators come to church! We have never had six come to church before. My comp and I fasted for our investigators and the Lord poured out his blessings over us. Just from our little sacrifice of 2 meals. The Lord rewarded us with His spirit and blessings. My testimony has been strengthened by fasting. God is a God of miracles, but a lot of the time it depends on us to help make those miracles happen. He doesn't ask a lot but he always gives a lot in return. It sounds like you had a testimony builder as well, with the 40-day fast in your ward, that is so awesome babe! Always look for opportunities to build your testimony, and magnify your callings."

"I am so proud of you for staying focused on the desires of YOUR HEART. Lastly, thank you so much for sharing your testimony with me. It strengthened mine. Your testimony brought peace to my heart and made me want to be a better person."

"Fasting will always bring the spirit. That's one thing I've learned on my mission, the power of a meaningful fast. I'm so proud of you, and I'm glad a story from my mission helped you with your lesson."

Some funny/goofy typical JJ comments :) :
(Talking about Elder Quispe) "He works hard, and he is a little goofy. First thing we did was trade ties. So, he picks out the ugliest tie haha and just takes one of mine and says thanks and starts laughing. I though he was joking but he really took the tie and didn't give it back. It's all good though. He's still alive! HA! Anyway, we get a long great and I am supper excited to work with him more. So far we have been kickin' some serious booty!"

"...Then I showed Elder Quispe some pictures of you, he was going nuts! He asked me, "How did you even get her?" I was like, "I have no idea my friend." Then he grabbed my english scriptures and found a couple pictures of you and my family. He took one of the pictures and said, "OOOOOO!!!"

"First I'd like to say to "the Alpha Male"...you may eat chickens for breakfast but I'm no chicken! I'm a rooster! A fighting rooster."

& the lovey stuff, I'll save you from having to endure through that. ;)

Happy Thursday<3

I made this at Jamba Juice, a little bit of a double meaning--you think?

Then comes the study time..........
My friends are in the living room, watching a movie...

While I'm losing my mind, studying..

After studying...
(Who votes I send these to Elder Hyde?)

Yeah, this is what I look like after homework

The Jamba Juice had me hyper, but now I'm dozing off..

But hey...at least it was....


Goodnight :)

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