I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Despite the gloomy rain clouds, today is a day of IMPORTANCE :)

The date today is April 26, 2012.
Do we all realize the significance of today?
It is Elder Hyde's SIX month mark!!!!!!!!!

I can hardly believe that half of a year has already passed by since my best friend left on his mission.
In six months...
*I have received 24 letters
*I've received 30+ pictures
*I've finished my third semester of college, and started my fourth.
* I've started a new job
*I've turned 20 years old
*I've been out of the U.S.A.
*I've made countless memories
*Elder Hyde has had 2 baptisms
*I want to say he's had 4 companions, maybe it's three.
*He has been in both Lima and Trujillo Peru
*I've sent J two packages, and a lot of pictures and letters
& we both like each other A LOT. and by like, I mean....reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllly like. I am extremely fond of JJ. Okay, I'll stop beating around the bush---I LOVE THE GUY!!!

In celebration of JJ's six month mark, our apartment decided to have a little party :) So the roommates and I made a little trip to Wal-greens to buy a candle, cake mix, and cake gel..yes, I do realize our outfits are a little goofy. It was raining outside; I'm in soccer shorts and rain boots. What can I say?

JJ told me in his last letter that they are allowed to receive videos/pictures via SD cards in his mission,
so...yes, this is what he gets.

Then we made a stop at Jamba Juice....

Do you guys remember me posting about this picture that I drew at Jamba Juice? Well...

I am proud to announce that my picture made it up on the Jamba Juice "brag board"!! What a special little treat on JJ's six month mark--I got 20% off of my drink :)

He would be so proud of me.

Our camera girl, Aubatron, cut it before I could publicly make my wish--but there was a wish made, and I think you all knew what it was :) this video will NOT be going to Elder Hyde, I am too gooby in this one..but  I assure you he already knows I am extremely gooby.

I <3 JJ

1/4 of the cake pink...

My little 99 cent candle

supportive roommates

& here is to SIX months down, baby<3 
& now I'm going to go demolish that cake like it's nobody's business.

Bring on another six months!!

1 comment:

  1. I love you Gen. When the world is there to bring you and J down, I will always be here to build you up.. to say as your best friend.. You can do it. You will do it. He is such a lucky man and you will be forever happy one day.
