I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I'm bringin' sexy back.

Alright, I know..the title is a little, well, odd. But, let me explain. . .
I'm going back to REXY. and every time that I think or say REXY..naturally the word, sexy, comes to mind. Don't pretend  that you weren't thinking the same thing.
Now you will have JT stuck in your head all day. YOU'RE WELCOME.

So, here I am..returning to one of my top five places in the world. Yep, Rexburg, Idaho.
The most wonderful town, mostly because that is where 86% of my friends reside.
I love the school. I love the classes. I love the sports. I love the friends. I love the road trips. I love the roommates. I love how strong the spirit is felt.
Lets just say, I am a big fan of BYU-Idaho. This girl soaks in every little thing about it.
Well worth the money, I say. I'm only a few credits under getting my Associates Degree, and this makes me happy. I am so excited to be called, "Miss Gustin" someday..or, if everything pans out the way that I want it to (Keeping my fingers crossed) "Mrs. Hyde"..

Spring is so much fun, I mean it snows all the way up til June, but hey--that's alright.
Here's just a few of my most favorite memories from last spring semester..(no specific order..like, seriously, they are so out of order...)
Meet Samantha. My best friend.
We flew to California for 4th of July weekend
We went to Laguna Beach & Disneyland,
her amazing aunt paid of EVERYTHING.

Competitive basketball, y'all.

The weekend my nephew came to visit.

Monkey Rock with my Lily.
We were the only two girls
 that were brave enough to jump of the bridge!

Sunday night walks with my best friends

Us girls pranked the boys with cottage cheese filled water baloons
& ramen noodles..they got revenge. Dont worry!

Pick up games with my girls. I miss them SO much.

The Falls. Disastrous date.
but I will always remember it.

The weekend my group of friends to "the ranch."
rode horses, shot clay pigeons, rode ATVS,
played basketball for hours, bon fires,
& going to church in cowboy boots.

Sporting events with the guys.
All of them are on missions now.
proud of them<3

The Harry Potter premiere.

Laguna Beach, 4th of July weekend..
told you they were out of order.

Some random motorcyclists we met and became friends with
we went on a day ride. So much fun. so random.

playing games at the park.

bon fires and scary stories at the Dunes

The night we got stuck until 3 AM on a school night
I saved the night with my AAA card.

Random activities with the basketball girls

Like, rope swinging into a 2 foot ditch
& then having a picnic on the church lawn

Weekly Taco Bell trips

Buffalo Wild Wings
All my friends came & watched my basketball game
& then we went out to eat and celebrate
my best friend Colby was the head coach of the
opposing team..I had 26 pts that night :)

My first time at Chic-Fil-A

Idaho Falls on the 4th of July
my best friends

Road trips to Utah

We laugh 24/7--I miss her.

Lagoon on Memorial Day Weekend :)

Dances and parties with my friends

Attempting to study, ending up just making music videos

Here we all are :)

love my girls

Our infamous "girs nights"

Easter Sunday

My favorite number ;)

Stealing the boys' frisbee, and demanding candy.

Let the good times roll..I am so excited to see what this semester brings.
Its crazy to think that when finals come around, JJ will be out nine months. Holy smokes!


oh, and by the way...haven't gotten a letter yet this week (which is weird--he must not like me anymore. PSYCHE)...so, mom and I are waiting around until the mail comes tomorrow before we make our five hour trip. Yeah, I just love him. and his letters. k thanks.

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