I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 1.5 in the Berg; new roommates, my amazing mother, and "a JJ-sick meltdown"

Alright, I'm here. I'm HERE. I'm HERE.
so far, one roomie is also here.
Her name is Aimee. She is a down-to-earth girl. Turns out we're kerr sisters. She stayed at the Kerr Hall dorms LAST semester, I also stayed there my first semester at BYUI. She's from..."all over"..her parents are moving to South Africa in less than a month. Her boyfriend's name is Noah, he plays basketball. She wears a size 4 in CHILDREN's shoes. & she offered me some of her junk food. So, I guess you could say that things are really good with Aimee. The only flaw she has, thus far, is she isn't especially fond of my scentsy..therefore, I had to move it into my bedroom. I just burned myself on it--so yes, as of right now, I would consider her scentsy dis-liking a flaw. The burnage on my thumb made me a little feisty, I apologize.

Mom, bless her little heart, helped me unpack EVERYTHING. Guys, I'm gonna be honest..I have separation anxiety when it comes to my clothing. I have some tops that I have had since the seventh grade. I have one pair of pajama bottoms that have holes all over the bum, and I WILL NOT give them up for anything. So, basically I have a lot of clothes. Miraculously, everything fit. Like seriously, I have no idea how it happened but I am ecstatic that it did.

Next, we made a trip to Wal-Mart, to get milk and a mattress cover. We looked like zombies, aimlessly searching through the aisles(we were so exhausted from the drive). You'd think that I would know Wal-Mart like the back of my hand. This is my fourth semester, after all. AND its not even a super Wal-mart, but you know...it is what it is. Then, we got in the car and I spent a good ten minutes raving about this delicious place in Rexburg that serves terriyaki chicken and rice--a helping enough to feed a family of six..for $5.99. As our mouths watered, we quickly (no, I didn't speed) made our way over to the beloved restaurant...to find it closed. In my mind I was thinking, "Thank the heavens, it is getting a make-over. I'm surprised it wasn't shut down two semesters ago." This place was shady. Well, my stomach on the other hand, was screaming, "IF YOU DONT GET ME SOMETHING TO EAT, I WILL CAUSE YOUR HAND TO FEED YOUR MOUTH THE NEXT THING IT COMES IN CONTACT WITH, WHETHER IT BE; a leaf, a cat, a small child." Yeah, this is real life. I was THAT hungry. Mom and I settled on some Dominos, you can't go wrong with that. We lounged at the hotel, stuffing our faces with pasta, cinna-stix, and buffalo wings. Half way through, we realized our eyes were much bigger than our stomachs. After that, shower time, Beauty and the Beast, and sleep. It was fun spending some one-on-one time with my best friend.

Mom's back in Middleton now. It was a tearful hug goodbye. & she was on her way. Church was really good, and then I was able to visit some friends for a few hours. Now, its just me, here in my little room. I've started my picture collage, and gotten a lot of the decorating done..still, quite a bit to do..
Something happened about twenty minutes ago, that is quite embarrassing, but since many of my FELLOW "MG'S" follow my blog (shout out to y'all--love you guys), I thought that it was a necessary yet semi-pathetic story to tell. I assure you, it is just as alarming to me NOW as it was 20 minutes ago.

I was un-loading some of my decorations. I'm going with a lime-green, baby blue, and white color scheme..it matches my bedspread and some of my picture frames, so I just decided to go with it. I was getting all my pictures out, and laying them on my little bed...when, a wave of sheer panic came over me. I was shuffling through my pictures--and to be honest, I don't think my hands had ever moved that fast. I had mis-placed two of my favorite pictures of JJ. I looked high and low for the next what-felt-like-forever. No find. They seriously just vanished. The last time I remember seeing them, was before church, on top of my printer. I seriously contemplated ripping my printer apart, Clark Kent style, but I figured that would take a lot of effort on my part--and I'm lazy on Sundays. Here's where the story gets a little embarrassing. I started to cry. Not, like, sobbing my eyes out pageant queen type of crying..but I distinctly remember a tear going down my cheek.
WHY WAS I CRYING? Next thing I know, this couple starts yelling at each other outside my window. Like a creeper, I peered through my closed blinds (just a little bit)..dont worry, they didn't spot me. After eavesdropping for a few minutes, I started tearing up again. And for the record, no, its not "that time of month" or as I would like to refer to it as, "TOM visiting."
I think what happened, and remember that I am just as alarmed as all you readers are, is that--well, I had a little JJ-sick meltdown. These rarely happen, not that I don't miss him--because I do, A LOT..its just that I have a pretty fun life and I'm a busy girl, to be honest...I think about him every single day, but the melt-downs are few in number. Because I am not yet "in my groove", I began to miss JJ more than I had these last few months at home. Which sounds odd, but not really. Before J left on his mission, we probably spent more time HERE than in Boise..or at least just as much time..I started thinking about last September, when he drove me to Rexburg and helped me un-pack everything. First of all, he wouldn't allow me to even lift a finger. He carried up ALL my bins, which was no easy task--as I mentioned earlier. He put together my shoe rack, without me asking. AND helped me put away all my clothes. Guys, you should've seen him. I'm laughing right now, typing this. HE IS THE CUTEST THING--He comes up the two flights of stairs, after the load was complete, and he was all sweaty and breathing hard...I just laughed, I couldn't help it. Then I told him thank you a million times, and made him macaroni and cheese. He acted so excited about the mac-and-cheese, like it was the most delicious meal of his life...which I know is not true at all, since his mom is like a gourmet chef in the kitchen. My roommates fell in love with him, which is easy to do. The next day we went to church together. I got ready at my neighbors' apartment (who also happen to be my best friends), and told J to just meet me there. He knocked on the door, and also KNOCKED MY SOCKS OFF. I can still picture him in my head, standing there in the door way. He was as handsome as ever--I mean, WOW. Four of my friends dragged me behind "the chastity line"(BYUI definition for the imaginary line between the living room and the bedrooms) into their bedroom and squealed about how "hot he was" before I could even give him a hug hello. I didn't protest because I was thinking the same thing--"How did I get so lucky?"..after that little outburst of giggles and squeals, him and I drove to church..he told me how beautiful I looked about eighty times, and put his arm around me at church. All eyes were on us when we walked into sacrament, I swear. I was convinced that it was because of how handsome he was/is, but I later found out by some girls in relief society, "that we look soooooo in love, and we better get married."(That's noooo problem). We spent the next couple days together, just enjoying one another's company. We walked to the temple, he came and watched me play basketball, spent time with some of his family that also live in Rexburg, watched movies, went to the grocery store (so we could eat something other than macaroni), played "Just Dance", and took pictures. When he left, I cried. I was sad about having to go A WEEK-ish without seeing him. WHAT A DRAMA QUEEN! Now, its been six months (on the 26th), and we're still just as crazy about each other as we were then.
He came up to see me when he could, and even surprised me once! He sent me a picture of my door, and I ran outside screaming, and jumped into his arms. I about broke his ear drums, and people awkwardly stared out their windows. With each passing day, I only loved him more and more. & the final time that he came to see me in the Berg, we said, "see ya later" and it was hard, but I felt good about it. It felt really good, actually.

So; with the missing pictures, the new apartment, and the unappreciative couple outside my window--JJ was the first to come to my mind. I'll find those darn pictures, I promise--or, print them out again, which is the logical answer. As for the couple taking their relationship for granted, boo on you. JJ and I never got into a single fight or argument, feel free to blame that on the "honeymoon stage" because I, myself, also do that from time to time--obviously, we're not going to agree on everything, and we'll get into fights--I'm sure!! JJ is just as stubborn as I am, and trust me, he's not one to be shy about speaking his mind..but, even then..I will still be love-struck..I can't explain it. But, I am thankful to the couple outside my window, because they made me think about J and all that he is doing in Peru--he is seriously such an example to me. Hearing them bicker, made me appreciate what we have, and what we had when he was here...he is my best friend..and yes, occasionally a melt-down is due, and I shed a tear or two..but, hey, I'm only human..right?

^^Oh, and by the way. This is what J looked like in my door-way. Except he was wearing a light blue shirt, skinny black tie, and black church pants (what do you call them? slacks, dress pants?) And wasn't awkwardly posing for a picture that I was MAKING him smile for, I always did that--and he would get so embarrassed. "If you love me you'll take the picture, J." Manipulative little devil, aren't I? Anyway, the boy knows how to look gooooood on Sundays/any day. That's enough, stop checking him out now ;)

Here's to a new semester.

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