I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Its hard to forget someone who has given you SO much to remember

Today is a I-miss-Elder-Hyde-a-lot kind of day.
Sundays are always tough because it's my "down"day--I'm used to being busy,busy, busy...with a full-time job and family..I have a very filling life, which I am grateful for. BUT, I am still a nineteen year old girl and my mind wanders from time to time(I cant be tough all the time)..not so much, in a cheesy way do I miss him-like, I wish he was here to hug me and kiss me but more like, I wonder what J.J. is doing right now, I wonder if he thought about me at all today, I hope he's getting my letters, it'd be fun to do this with him, oh, this song reminds me of him...little things like that. I pray for him each day and hope that he is working hard and staying focused WHICH I KNOW HE IS..and we keep our letters very positive and never ooey-gooey but I know that he knows I love him because before he left we told each other that we would pour out our love by uplifting each other through scriptures, conference talks, words from Prophets, and just telling each other descriptive events that are taking place in our lives within our letters. The letters don't come often, but when they do it's like CHRISTMAS! I read them over and over again and again until the next letter comes. But still--I can't help but miss him. This is the first time since he has been gone that I have had a really hard time with all of this..so, I decided that I should bare my testimony at church. I mentioned missionary work and my love and respect for all young men and women who serve and after I sat down I really pondered about that..service. Here I have a great boyfriend  in Trujillo, Peru SERVING the Lord with all his heart--he is obedient, worthy, loving, and following the commandments. I started to feel a little bit selfish and realized that I too need to serve more diligently..sometimes, its hard to see the big picture..but when we serve, we are blessed...and that really hit me hard today and filled my heart with joy. Elder Hyde is such an example to me, he has a sweet heart and went into his mission with the right mindset--I have never known a man so excited, ready, and willing to serve and follow the Lord with all his HEART as much as He has..and knowing that, honestly, helps me to keep pushing forward with faith. I know he is working so hard--and so, I want to do my part here. He is my best friend in the whole wide world and I am thankful for his example to me, he keeps me on the straight and narrow and no matter what happens between us (keeping my fingers crossed) I will always be eternally thankful to him for helping me realize the importance of following the Spirit and leaning on the Lord through our obstacles in life. I love him very much. Anyway, there's my little "piece" I guess--I've missed him a lot today but I know that he is serving with his whole heart and that brings me much comfort..I can't even begin to explain how much I look up to him. :) I wish that all missionaries could be like him. Two and a half months down--hate thinking about it that way because it makes me feel like there is so much more to go but...that's two and a half months that I will never have to go through again. I can't help but feel blessed to miss someone the way that I miss my J; someone who has always respected me and treated me like a Daughter of Heavenly Father, honored his priesthood, and protected me from many things by reminding me that I am of a noble birthright and I have great responsibilities to fulfill while here on earth..he has always supported me in all that I do--and tells me that I too should serve a mission if I get that answer from the Lord. I am thankful for him, I must've done something right to be blessed with such a great man in my life--I know that I'm on the right track because I'm choosing the right and staying close to the Lord. Just keep swimming....
The chain we made before he left:
6 things that I love about him
6 favorite memories
(he did the same for me)
makes up 24 months, and one extra for me  :)

Church with Jaje :)

He is unbelievably handsome--inside and out

I miss our movie nights and dance-offs :)
this is worth it.

Skype conversations while I was at school :)

He thinks he's a soccer player now.
"He's not MY missionary, he's the LORD'S missionary.
I'm the lucky girl who is loved by someone
who is leaving their family behind for two years,
so that others can be with theirs for eternity."
P.S. Some girl today asked me at church, "What if you find another guy about to leave on his mission and fall in love with him?" It took all that I had to stop myself from laughing out loud. Some people ask me the silliest questions..I just laugh to myself because nobody realizes how much I really love Jared Jordan or how serious we really are, except for those who DESERVE to know...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how crazy we are about each other..and that's juuuuust the way I like it :) goodnight all.

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