I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Good Life :)

This weekend I got to go visit my two best friends in Provo. They recently transferred from BYUI to the "big leagues" at BYU and are rooming together. I had a blast reuniting with them and already miss them like crazy.

Samantha and Lizzie

BYU game on Saturday--it was insane!

Lizzie and I :)

Sundance Film Festival in Park City

My two besties :)
I have no idea why this photo is sideways
I've been trying to fix it for over an hour!
We had a lot of fun hanging out with friends, eating out, roaming around Provo and the campus, meeting new people, and going to Park City. It was an eventful weekend and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to visit them.
Today, Ahron had his first basketball game. Middleton 7th Grade Boys "C" Team played West Valley, and won in the final seconds of the game. It was so fun to see the boys so excited.
Ahron played so well,
proud of him!

He called for the ball and played awesome defense
Had a killer pass here, good job all-star :)
Little brother Peyton
 had a fun time cheering on his big brother.
Look at those blue eyes :) 
 Connor got a little sleepy on the way home
...Couldnt resist snapping a photo :)

In JJ news...
His mom forwarded me the family email for the week and on the end of the email there was a secret message for me..it said: "Genny, ILYWAMH. RTFYH. IWSYI21M."
Good thing I rock at being a detective and solving mysterious messages :) and good thing he is the SWEETEST boy EVER! LOVE HIM SO MUCH :) 

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