I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

"Daddy-Daughter" Date :)

Ever since I was a little girl, my dad has taken my sister and I on one-on-one "daddy-daughter" dates. The family traditions continue on, even though I am almost twenty years old. 
Tonight, Dad surprised me with floor seat tickets at the BSU vs. Air Force Men's Basketball Game
We had so much fun!

After we went to the basketball game, we stopped at the hospital to see my dad's dear friend Harvey and his wife Linda. Linda has been battling cancer for a few years now and was saying her final goodbyes to her family yesterday and tonight. It was sad to see her so sick, yet she looked very peaceful with her sweet husband by her side. My dad has been friends with them for over thirty years, and it has been a hard time on all her loved ones. I am so grateful that we have the gospel in our lives, so that we can be comforted knowing that families can be together forever. Linda will always be remembered for her good heart and love for her friends and family. My prayers go to them.

Then, afterwards my dad took me out to a lovely sushi dinner. I accidentally ate his roll :) (maybe I did it on purpose--it looked better than mine did.) So, he ordered another. We then shared fried ice cream for dessert. While we waited for our food, we entertained ourselves by "shooting darts"..dad showed me how to stick a chopstick in a straw and blow it out. We used a can for a target and had ourselves quite the time. Luckily, the restaurant was nearly empty and no one seemed to mind. We thought we were hilarious. :) I love spending time with my "daddy", he always gives me the best advice and seems to know the right things to say. I am so blessed to have him as my father, I look up to him so much.

Also, a plus--
On the back of his last envelope it said, "I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend!" Isn't he so cute?
Did I mention that I love this cute boy?

Letter #11
Almost three months down.
Holy cow it is flying!!!


  1. I love the pics of you in your highchair. You were adorable! Not a surprise! Be careful showing off JJ's writing skills, in the Egan family we used to say the smart ones had the poor penmanship......but JJ......hmmm....try harder son!!!

  2. Thanks Heather :) I laughed out loud about the penmanship comment, lol. Jaje doesn't have the best handwriting--I agree. haha.
