I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A great weekend to start out 2012 :)

My family and I decided to celebrate the new year in Utah. We left Saturday morning at 8 a.m. and all five of us stuffed ourselves into the car--it was quite...cozy, to say the least. Lets just say that we were ecstatic to finally reach our destination. Saturday night, Julie ("Juje") and I celebrated New Year's Eve with our friend, Evan. He picked us up in Spanish Fork and we made our way to Salt Lake City. He got us lost a few times, but that's okay, we still like him :)
Juje, sitting in the back :)

Admiring the Christmas lights while lost in the car

My sweetie sister did my nails :)

Taking pictures while Evan tried to
find the way to SLC

My sister and I in SLC looking at the Christmas lights

Little grove of lights in SLC :)
Juje and Evie

This picture was really hard to take
she about fell off...LOL!

Random bagpiper that we found, kilt and all!

Juje and the bagpiper :)
look at her adorable rain boots!

Evan singing "Amazing Grace"
with the Bagpiper..this is why
we like Evie so much--he makes
us laugh, a lot :)

Evie started a dance with everyone gathered :)

and the dancing continued....

Evie snapped this shot. Sweet hair dude?

My beautiful sister and best friend  :)

Comedy Show with our new friends :)

EVE :)

Fireworks and concert following the countdown

The countdown was shown on this hotel--it was so neat!

Concert, "Temple of Doom"

Evie and I sporting the fuzzy hoods :)

On Monday, before my brother Kyle had to go back to Rifle, we decided to go hit up the movie, "We Bought a Zoo". It was such a great film and I definitely recommend it. A great family film, with an uplifting message. There was one point in the movie where one of the characters asked the new Zoo Keeper why he had bought the zoo, he simply replied with, "why not?" (Don't worry--that's no spoiler :)) My mom and I decided that we were going to use this phrase more often--as one of our New Year's goals. :) Lets see how that pans out.
My brother Kyle, Mom, Me, and My sister Julie

After the movie, we took Kyle to the train station. It was hard saying goodbye, but we'll see him soon :)
Love you brother.

Kyle gave me this huge water jug--and I LOVE IT. LOL

My brother at the train station, how cool :)

Mapping out his destination

There's my sweet brother :)

This weekend was full of fun, and I'm so glad we found ourselves in Utah. It was nice to have a little break. :) I learned that I am horrible at Jump-house obstacle courses (thanks for dominating me in that, Evan), that Water for Elephants is the BEST movie ever as well as the Office being the best SHOW ever, and that Utah is a fun place to be for the New Years celebration. Life is so good. Rodrigo Hernandez. :)

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