I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Monday, January 16, 2012

A couple items of business:

First thing first. I'm a little late on the "New Years Resolution" thang..BUT, I have decided (today actually) that I am in dire need of a body transformation. So, here it goes. Hopefully, my gutsy idea of posting this on my blog will further push me to get my "buns in gear"--literally. I'm starting to look like J.LO..so, just refer to me as G.LO I'm okay with that. :) For all you pretty ladies out there looking to make a transformation as well, I recently came across the coolest blog EVER. Seriously, EVER. Here is the link--look it over, I dare you. It is life-changing and has pushed me to do the unthinkable; get back into shape! Yes, its true..I'm going to do it. I took the freshman 15 literally, eh..no more 15. Never thought I would say this, but I miss high school basketball--it kept me in darn good conditions. Time to take matters into my own hands.
Here is the link: http://undressedskeleton.tumblr.com/
AND...here is another one of my motivations to put this into affect ASAP..
on March 22, my family is taking a cruise to the CARIBBEAN! I am so excited.


Oh dear. I have to wear a swimsuit?
(tankini, luckily.)
So, its back to the gym for me. I have a little over two months..I will be posting about how the workouts and new eating habits are working out for me. Wish me luck. And if you are feeling the same as I am...lets keep one another going. Oh, and if anyone has a YMCA pass--I'm your new workout buddy :)

Another item of business, which is FAR more exciting than the first. I am giving my blog followers a sneak preview of my Valentine's Day Package to Elder Hyde. Ah, keyword: Preview. I have a couple more things to do tomorrow and then I am mailing it off and praying it gets to him. I will post more pictures of the final product but I just couldn't wait any longer to show some of you ladies. I am stoked. I love sending packages and letters to missionaries, it is as exciting as Birthday presents and Christmas presents; especially when you are sending things to your boyfriend. EEK! So excited. The days are rolling on by. He'll be home in no time :)

Okay, so..I made him a photo album

I made seven signs.
Some are cute and some are really funny:
as you can see "wife" is on the edge of the poster on the left
We were out at dinner and JJ accidentally introduced me as...
his wife--we laughed forever about it.

So I plan to go back to all these places
(tomorrow actually)
with the signs..

 And my sister, Monica, is going to take pictures
of me holding up the signs :)

Then, I am going to put the pictures taken
inside the photo album that I made for him :)

Here are some pictures of what is in the box

I had to stuff this thing to the brim
but everything fit.
minus the pictures--they're not in there yet
but they'll fit. :)

I am sure some of you are curious to what exactly is in the package. So I will tell you :)
1. Heart slappers--they were cheap, they make noise, they're Valentine's Day themed and I thought it would be fun for JJ and his companion.
2. A goody bag and card for his companion so that the poor guy doesn't feel left out.
3. Candy: Traditional candy hearts, lollipops, and sour gum.
4. A stinkin' adorable Taylor Swift card that I wrote in. We loved jamming out to T-Swift.
5. A paddle and ball.
6. A cute little Valentine's Day Coupon Book. He can cash the coupons in when he gets home. They are really silly and creative. I laughed while making it. :)
7. A homemade photo album with the pictures that I will be taking tomorrow.
8. I'm probably leaving something out. Oh yeah, a poem. and a list of my favorite scriptures that talk about Christ-like attributes, love, and charity. 

Now for the signs..
1. Where we first met: Applebees, I plan on going back to the exact same table too.
2. Where we had our first date: A park in Nampa. We ate ice cream and attempted to feed a squirrel. Typical us.
3. Where we had our first kiss: We went and swung on some swings and played on the slides at a park in Middleton, and that's where we had our first kiss.
4. Where I first realized I loved JJ: At the Western Idaho Fair. Best night of my entire life.
5. Where we first said, "I love you": In front of his house. Heather, if you read this--I will be sneakily taking a photo in front of your house tomorrow around 11 AM..don't be alarmed :)
6. Where I first learned how to drive stick-shift: JJ forcefully talked me into driving his dinky little truck. We went and ran an errand for my mom at Syringa Bank and then I drove home. It was the scariest 2 miles of my life. I had no idea what I was doing..JJ was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. :) One of our favorite memories.
7. Where he accidentally introduced me as his wife: We were at a fancy restaurant in Boise, called Barbacoas and he saw his friend and introduced me as his wife, instead of his girlfriend. We laughed about it afterwards.

8. and then I have a sign that says, "Happy Valentine's Day." and on the back it says, "I love you" :)

I'm excited to mail his package off. Anyway, those are my items of business. Hope you enjoyed! More pictures to come.

And...the package is complete :)
Here are the photos I took with the signs--Thanks sis! The pictures are all out of order on here, and I don't know how to do fix it...But, you get the idea :)

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