I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Friday, November 9, 2012

You know you're in love when. . . .

You get excited about having to work on the weekends because it means you have an excuse not to go to parties or accept lame-o dates.

After a long 5 hour closing shift.. . . .

it was lovely to come home to a letter and the boyfriend's football shirt and Utah sweats ;)

It was the sweetest little letter.
I am rejuvenated. I can get through another week.
Letter #53 was so great.
"Since the first time we said 'I love you', I have only fallen deeper and deeper in love with you. I love you more that I loved you when I was home. I love you more because you've given me your all even though I'm not physically there with you right now.  I love you because you have taken the time to get to know my family without me there, I love you more because you always write me letter filled with inspiration and love. By the way, when you felt prompted to share with me about faith and what your Bishop said, it was exactly what I needed in that exact moment. It was an answer to my prayers, you answered..or God answered my supplications through you. I love you more because you are working so hard in school. By the way, you are amazing. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU GENNY!!!"

It makes me so happy to know that he appreciates me, and all that I am doing while he is gone.
I needed to hear this. He knows that it's not easy to "wait"..

Gah. . . . . I am so deeply in love.
I can hardly even contain how happy he makes me.
I am twitterpated. stricken. head over heels. bubbly. stars in my eyes. butterflies in my stomach. heart pounding. smile from ear to ear. . . . 


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