I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The accident.

Last night, was probably the scariest night of my life. . . .thus far.
I experienced my first car wreck, and I hope it is my last.

I picked my best friend/ roommate up from the library at 6:30--it was lightly snowing and already dark outside. I remember thinking maybe we shouldn't go to FHE tonight, the roads are probably going to be bad. . . . .
But, Jess and I, being poor college students and STARVING--were excited thinking about dinner at the Bishop's house for Family Home Evening. The kicker was that his house was 25 minutes away..

We arrived with no problem. The roads weren't slick whatsoever, and it had stopped snowing.
As we were on our way to Bishop's, we passed by Texas Roadhouse and decided we would rather have that for dinner. But, we still went to Bishop's for a spiritual thought and a snack.

Again, as we got into the car, and began to drive to Texas Roadhouse...no signs of slick roads. no snow. nothing.

After Texas Roadhouse, we got in the car. We were just laughing and talking as well usually do when we're together. . . . a song came on the radio that we loved so we blasted it as loud as my speakers would allow.
Feeling comfortable on the highway, and seeing no signs of ice...I set my cruise control on 70.

There are not many things in my life that I feel regret for. I believe that everyone can have second chances, and that we can always repent for our mistakes--regret just isn't something I often feel.

But, I will forever regret setting my cruise control on 70. on a November night. After it had been snowing.
It was insanely irresponsible, and the guilt is so burdening that I haven't been able to sleep hardly at all.

A prompting came to my mind:
Genny, slow down. 

I ignored it, and continued screaming out the lyrics and laughing with Jessicah.

Again, the prompting came.
Genny, slow down.

This time, I turned to Jessicah and said, "Hey, do you think I should slow down?"
She said, "Maybe, juts do whatever you feel comfortable with."

I am really not saying this. or trying to put on a show. this is the truth. this is real.
I pictured JJ in my head. Not in a lovey-dovey form. . . but, I saw him telling me this story that he had when he was a child. Him and his friends had been walking on train tracks when he had a prompting to get off the tracks and go home. He acted on that prompting quickly,and the boys went home. He knew something bad was about to happen if they had kept going down those tracks. In almost every letter, J has reminded me to listen to the promptings of the Spirit.

I immediately turned off my cruise control, and slowed to 63 mph.

Within seconds, our laughter and singing turned to screams of sheer terror.

We began to approach a bridge. It seemed as though we were almost alone on the highway.
But as most drivers know. . . .. bridges are notorious for black ice.
We came over the slope in the left lane--the passing lane--another stupid mistake on my part.
On the left shoulder, two cars were blinking their hazard lights. I had no time to react before a car in the right lane just ahead of me started swerving out of control. It quickly turned sideways into my lane. . . .

I slammed my brakes, instead of pumping them, out of panic. I hit the other car with such force that Jessicah and I were completely forced into the shoulder. Immediately, I began to cry. Our backs, and ribs were aching. My wrists felt like they were broken. Jessicah was brave though, she knew what to do. . . .while I just sat there sobbing. No one was injured. And in just a few minutes, the aching that was so heavy before began to decease. But, the car I hit was unable to move out of the middle of the road.

This is where it got extremely scary.

Because the car was unable to be moved to the shoulder, and because the black ice was so sudden--cars began spinning and swerving. . . . trying to miss this car in the middle of the highway. Six cars started hitting rails, being pushed into the shoulder, and skidding off the road before an officer arrived at the scene.

I sobbed even harder, watching these cars come hurdling toward us. . . .nearly hitting our car.

Miraculously, nobody was injured. ad 3/4 of the drivers/passengers were college students coming back from Family Home Evening.

I am not one to say, "wow that was a miracle, Heavenly Father was really watching out for me!" Because, sometimes I feel like that isn't fair to say when other people who are put in the same situation are killed or injured...because I think, "why did they get hurt, and I didnt?" if that makes sense. . . .

but last night, I really believe that Heavenly Father was protecting us all.
Had I not slowed down and stopped being irresponsible, who knows what would have happened.
That same night, my friend Aubry, rolled her car just a few miles up the road. She was also uninjured.
it turns out that 5 other girls in my relief society also spun off the road....all uninjured.

I cried until I could cry no more.

I know that because I followed the promptings of the Spirit, I was saved that night.
I am so grateful, now more than ever, that I am worthy to receive those promptings. . . and that I am living my life in a way that is pleasing unto the Lord.

In a special blessing that I received, there was one memorable thing that came to my mind just after the accident:
"Keep the commandments and you will be able to see your children grow up and accomplish important things."

I've got a lot to do before I can return to my Heavenly Father. There is a lot of improvement that needs to happen for me. I've got babies in heaven cheering me on and I honestly believe that.

I know that Elder Hyde prays for me each and every day. I know that he prays for my protection.
Its no wonder that I saw his face when I was receiving those promptings. He is my biggest fan, my #1 supporter, and the biggest example in my life. He is my hero, and I can say that with confidence..not just because of the accident, but because of the way he is obediently living his life for the Lord. He is choosing to serve with his whole heart. I am just really proud of him.

I woke up this morning, after two hours of sleep, and it felt like everything was a dream. An awful dream.

I'll tell you what, when things like that happen in your life....you really are changed.

I am seeing things so differently. Life is too short.
Why do I ever even complain about being a year away from JJ coming home?
At least I get to see him again.

Thank you Heavenly Father for protecting me. I am forever grateful.

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