I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Time for a little update!

Man I sure have been AWFUL at updating my blog these last couple weeks; I have been one busy girl.

School ended. I got 4 A's and one B+...not too shabby.
I came home and slept. I slept a lot. I laid out in the sun. I enjoyed mom's homemade meals.
My family went on the infamous "river trip" that we venture out on every two years or so.
All my siblings were in attendance, which was neat. Six days on the Salmon River--no cellphones, no facebook, no TV. Just the beautiful scenic nature of Idaho and my loved ones by my side.

I know, the "rain gear" is a little on the goofy side

I love my HUGE family

Kayaked over some rapids in the "duckies"

Julie and I

Other than the river trip,
I've just been relaxing..I visited my friend in Pocatello where she was babysitting her nieces. I sure do love her ;) She also has a missionary serving; its been fun to experience this journey together A.K.A. have someone to cry with when we are missing our main squeezes.

3 months since
Elder Wahlen left ;)

Best friends :)

Little Presley :)

Highlight of my week;
I got to visit with JJ's mom tonight. We chatted for a few hours, attempted to listen to a tape J sent home, and explored his Peruvian gifts that he sent home in a package. Sure do love that boy!

Whatta babe ;)

long story short: I'm as happy as a clam. (I really don't understand that saying, but it sounds good).

Thanks for tuning in.

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