I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Birthday Message for J ;)

So, I wont have internet access during the week of J's birthday. His birthday is next Thursday. So, I asked his sister, Ashley, if I could write a little paragraph that she could include in the family e-mail for him to read.

Elder Hyde,

Today starts off  your BIRTHDAY WEEK! That's what I always say when my Birthday is approaching, and I let my family know it too!! ha ha, In high school, my mom would ask me to vacuum or do the dishes, and I would say, "Mom don't you know, its my birthday week--and I'm the princess!" I wonder if that will still work, who am I kidding..it has never worked ;) Anyway, darling, I truly wish that you have a great birthday. YOU DESERVE IT! You are hard at work, and I am very impressed with your testimony and love for your mission. Peru is blessed to have you. Its funny to think that we met two years ago from this month, you had just barely turned nineteen. Where has the time gone? Then, you were just a young boy trying to figure out who you are and what you wanted to do in life; now, you are an amazing MAN, an obedient missionary, a kind-hearted person, and most importantly a valiant Son of God who is striving to choose the right. I know that Heavenly Father is so proud of how obedient you are, and how focused you have been over the last nine months. Birthday boy, thank you for sharing your testimony with me continuously, for all your wonderful letters, and for always telling me/showing me how much you love me. You have the light of Christ in your eyes that is undeniable, and it makes me want to be a better person. I am so proud of the man that you have CHOSEN to become, you have really developed so many Christ-like attributes that I admire, we are all very proud of you. Words cannot even begin to express how much I love you, and how dear to my heart you are. You have touched my life tremendously, and every day I find more reasons why I love you, and only you. You're my best friend, Jared..and that's the truth. You know everything about me; all my flaws, short-comings, strengths, bad habits, good habits, obnoxious laugh outbursts, the way I get embarrassed and blush like crazy, my over-sensitivity at times, and those occasions(many of them actually) where I can get pretty feisty--yet, you still LOVE me; I am the luckiest..because "It has always been you." All I can say is thank you for being YOU, and also...I will be thinking of you on your special day, just like I think about you every other day. I hope you like the package I sent, I know it's not much...I will be sending another SD card soon.

Yours truly,
Genny Lynn

Maybe "a little paragraph" was kind of vague. Sure hope he enjoys it :)

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