I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Five FABULOUS days with JJ's nieces and nephews ;)

JJ's adorable sister, Andrea, hired me on as a nanny for five days while her and her husband went out of town. . . .Sydney, Simon, Carmen, Asher, and I sure had a blast.

We had dinner, and watched an adorable movie; The Lorax. I would definitely recommend it, it's really cute :)

After dinner, we pretty much went to sleep, I got there around 5:00 Friday night--so, it was a short day.
This was a fun day! We went to the aquarium. We decided this last minute, due to all the smoke and fires in the Boise area, we all agreed that an activity inside would be more fun..but before we went to the Aquarium, we dug into my "Mary Poppins" bag, as I like to call it. I taught preschool at BYU-I, for one of my classes, and made a ton of stuff for my final--it finally went to use with these little guys. I didn't really get many pictures of the things I brought, but just a couple of the kids playing before we went to see some amazing under-sea creatures!

Carmen told me she was cold.
next thing I know, she's in the kitchen wearing this ;)

& then to the Aquarium;

Notice how Carmen is wearing a whole new outfit & her hair is down?
this girl likes to change her attire about three times a day--
She wears dresses because "she's a princess" ;)

Car's reaction to a huge Iguana, HAHA! Priceless!

"Syd! Poisonous frogs!!!"

Sydney is so brave!!!


After the Aquarium, we made a quick visit to Blimpie for dinner. I laughed out loud at Simon and Carmen's sandwich choices;
white bread with pepperoni. nothing more.
Before bed, the kids decided to have some fun with my camera. . . and my hat ;) ha ha!

Belle's dress.
pahaha; Sydney & Carmen

About to pull out all the clothes!


"Wear it backwards like a gangster!"

Now he's getting in WITH the clothes
oh my my my 

He loves sucking on his fingers!


Church was at 11. Sydney and Simon guided me to the building. We got there ten minutes early, with everything in tow. & then I went to take Carmen out of her car seat. . . . .

no shoes.

So, I got Syd settled in with a family, and Asher, Simon, Carmen, and I swiftly made it back to the house. Even with going at the speed limit, we were back at the building at 11:02. Impressive? I think yes.

Sacrament meeting went smoothly, with just a few bumps. Baby Asher is a mover and a shaker. Sunday school was spent with little Asher & I in the hallway; he was entertained by shutting the chapel doors while people were in there having choir practice--I had to grab him a couple times; all he would do is laugh--ha! We made it to Relief Society, and it was a great lesson. Asher fell asleep in my arms toward the end, so he  wasn't as squirmy :)

Today was also JJ's 10 month mark, so after dinner...we celebrated.

Sydney read to baby Asher..:)
I'm not sure when this picture was taken;
I'm confused because Asher isn't in his pajamas but Sydney is??? oh well
The Tickle Monster Book

Syd's "Monster Face" ;)
Today was the first day of school. Sydney: Third grade. Simon: First grade. They were so excited ;)

I want those pants that Sydney is wearing, oh and the scarf. TOTES ADORB!

Carmen and I hung out while the kids had a half-day of school.
Asher loves climbing things, it scared the heck out of me!
I would say, "No Asher." And he would just start laughing. With his huge brown eyes and dimples, I couldn't resist laughing back--HE IS THE CUTEST BABY EVER!

I stayed until Wednesday night until around 11:45 PM.
It was such a fantastic five days. Loved it. Very few flaws; such as me getting sick on Monday and Asher getting sick on Wednesday. :( But other than that, I have no complaints. Sydney and Carmen came and slept with me for a couple nights--I loved it, it reminded me of my little sleepovers with my nieces. 
I'm so thankful that I got to spend time with them. I really got to know them a lot better--they are the smartest, most well-behaved kids I have ever babysat. for reals. and I'm not just saying that because I'm in love with their uncle.

Speaking of J, tomorrow is the first game of the season for BSU football. Ah, this time of the year reminds me so much of my missionary. We are huge Boise State fans. You may be a little confused, by my "Utes" hat in some of these pictures. JJ was on the scout team at U of U two years ago, and I went to a couple of the games. I bought a Utes shirt and hat--and I wear them both often, the hat is UnderArmor--of course I'm going to wear it people!! ;) And besides, who knows..maybe I will have to convert to being a Ute in a couple years. I will always be a Bronco at heart, however. Oh, and I'm not allowed to wear any black and red within 20 yards of my house or I will be shunned by my entire family. 

Missin' my sidekick for all the games. See you next season though, J! I'll cheer extra loud for you ;)


  1. just found your blog- super cute. i have a missionary & i love to see how other girls deal! come check out my blog!! glorialilfield.blogspot.com

  2. So fun! Does Andrea know about this post? She would love it.
