I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Book of Mormon is TRUE!

Over this past week, I have felt incredibly blessed for all of the wonderful people and opportunities in my life.
Numerous times I have been overcome with the Spirit, and tonight is just another one of those times.
In Elder Hyde's most recent letters, he challenged me to not only read the Book of Mormon daily, but to also study it out and pray to know if the Book of Mormon was true.

I'll admit something right now; I thought that this "challenge" was kind of, well, silly.
I've been a member of the church since I was eight years old--how could I NOT know if the Book of Mormon was true? But, nonetheless, I decided to give his challenge a try. I started over in Nephi 1, and tried to look at each verse as if I was an investigator in the church--if I was seeking the gospel, how would I study these verses? I found it extremely difficult, every time I would go to read..I would get distracted with something else or lose interest. It was becoming a habit, and I got tired of having to re-read the verses over and over again to understand them. And as much as I love my scriptures and all the many markings and quotes and notes from seminary, sunday school, etc. . . I wanted to start fresh and find NEW gems in the verses..

A couple nights later, the "challenge" that Elder Hyde had given me kept ringing in my mind. Genny, do you believe that the Book of Mormon is true? That is when I decided to kneel down and pray, and actually present a heartfelt prayer to the Lord. This was something I hadn't done in a very long time. Sure, I pray before I go to bed--and sometimes in the mornings when I remember, and before family dinner. But. . . .finally, I realized the importance and tenderness of this 1-on-1 time with my Heavenly Father. After a long talk, burdens were lifted and I was left with so much comfort. From tears to smiles, I was content--and I knew that I was loved. The next day was Sunday and I thirsted for those three meetings. In my 24 month bucket list, there are two important goals that I set for myself; to introduce someone to the gospel, and to read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover..the missionaries were in the hallway after church and I asked my mom if she'd go talk to them with me. I asked them if I could have a couple books of Mormon because I knew of someone that I was interested in talking to about the gospel. Eagerly, the two young missionaries nearly sprinted to their car. This little act reminded me so much of JJ and how eager he probably was every time someone in Peru showed even a spark of interest in the gospel. Every single time, without fail, I am reminded of Elder Hyde when seeing or talking with elders in our area..

After I got home, I looked up some easy scripture study tips and ideas; I found a check-off list for both a 52 week plan, or a three month plan. I thought about the three month plan, but with school and a job, I thought it would be more reasonable to go with the 52 week chart. I must say, I have never been this excited to read the scriptures. So far, I'm on week 3. . . .it is amazing to me how much revelation and comfort you receive from the Spirit when you study the verses of the scriptures. Its easy to get distracted in our world today and avoid studying the verses of the scriptures, but if you set aside some private time; there is so much you can learn and accomplish. Thus far, I have been able to open my heart to inspiration from our prophets--and it is honestly making me a better person.

So, thank you Elder Hyde--for challenging me to read my scriptures.

Readers: Are you up for the challenge? :)

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