I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A small taste of the Gustin Clan and our recent doings :)

The Gustin Family is QUITE the group. Let me try and explain. My mom and dad were both married before to other people--the marriages didn't work out...and then they met one another a few years later at a church dance of all places. My mom had a son (Kyle) from the previous marriage, and my dad had four kids (Monica, John, Amberli, and Cody) from his previous marriage. After my parents married each other they had my sister(Julie) and I. 20+ years later--there are 22 grand kids and endless memories. I forgot to mention the "kicker"--my parents are sixteen years apart. :) How's that for a shock? I love my family very much and wouldn't have it any other way. I am truly blessed. Here is a little spotlight for each family--as a sort of introduction to my "roots" :)
My Oldest Sister Monica's five children :)

My Oldest Brother John and his wife--they have five kids

My sister Amberli and her husband Dave and their SEVEN

My Brother Cody and his wife Heidi along with their five kids

My bachelor brother Kyle, Living the life :)

Me..The second youngest.

My little sister, Julie.

My "biker" parents. They ride their Harleys EVERYWHERE

What has been going on recently.... :)

Santa and his elf :)

Our traditional pajama presents

Mom still insists we take pictures Christmas morning
Look how happy we are...LOL!

Good Morning Sunshine!

My parents on Christmas Morning

All Spruced up :)

The Gibb Kids, The oldest is a senior in high school

My nephew/best friend Cody and I on Christmas

My brother Cody trains them young to become...

The Boys. I can't believe how big Ty is.

Being goofy. The niece on the left, Lauren,
is nearly as tall as I am..she is in sixth grade!!

Grandma and Kobes! This is such an adorable shot :)

Shopping the day after Christmas--
Isnt my sister gorgeous? 

Sushi anyone? Dinner date with my brother :)

The "Borah Lion"(listed above): This is a great way to end this array of  beautiful pictures, if I must say so myself. This figurine has attended all Borah High Basketball Games since 1984 and is said to have brought good luck. Well, I took a picture of this because....moments prior to seeing the lion, I was thinking to myself.. "boy, I sure have seen a lot of ball games in my short nineteen years." (Today for example, and then three more tomorrow)..My niece Jessie told me about the "Borah Lion" and I decided that I hadn't seen as much basketball after all...maybe I'll catch up to him someday..Hopefully NOT :) and that's coming from a girl who loves the sport with all her heart. 

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