I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 15th, 2016 {The Birth of Carter Mckay Hyde}

March 14th, I was sitting in my mom's office at her home and we were casually chatting when I felt like my water had broken. No, it wasn't like in the movies, where it gushes out and seconds later the woman is having contractions. I went into the bathroom and assessed the situation, but decided to just keep an eye on it. Two hours later, I decided, "this is just weird, I think I need to get checked out." I woke my mom up, (she was sleeping because she had a shift at the hospital later that night--she is a labor and delivery nurse) and she said, "OK. I'm going to get into the shower and then we will go." JJ was at class and  I didn't want to bother him if this was really nothing.

We made our way to the hospital, and I was having contractions. . . . about 6-7 minutes apart. They weren't painful, just a lot of tightening and discomfort. They tested to see if it really was amniotic fluid, and my results came back negative yet I was still having contractions. I got a cervical exam and my cervix was still at a 2, 80% effaced and posterior. I was bummed when they sent us home.

I continued to have contractions 7-8 minutes apart. When my mom got home from her shift, she gave me a cervical exam. Yes, my mom gave me a cervical exam. In her bedroom. And the dog jumped on the bed. Ha!! SO AWKWARD, yet not. She attempted to strip my membranes but I was still posterior so it was really painful. From the time we had left the hospital that day, my husband and I had done everything from eating pineapple to spicy nachos, to speed walking to rubbing my ankles. . . anything we could to induce me into labor, because we felt that we were very close. The contractions continued coming every 8 minutes. . .

The next morning, I woke up at 8:30 AM, wincing and moaning. The contractions were now painful and I tracked them--they were now 5-6 minutes apart. I went to the bathroom and lost a huge chunk of my mucus plug. I was in such pain and I immediately got very nervous-- I threw up and my hubby ran down the stairs and said, "Teresa, she lost her bloody show." My mom said, "Okay, this is good news! This could mean baby." I put my hair up into a braid and put some makeup on and we got ready to go to the hospital; I breathed through the contractions as best as I could. . . I had no idea what was coming for me.

We arrived to the hospital, and we were so afraid we were going to get sent home again. My contractions were 3-5 minutes apart and they were stronger than the day prior. With each contraction, I panicked and JJ would grab my hand and look me in the eyes and tell me to focus on him. Every time I looked him in the eyes, I got a little more relaxed; I thought about the distance we endured for two years apart, the fact that we had been preparing for our wedding two years ago this very week, and I imagined him with our son and how special it would be. JJ and I walked the hallway and I got on the ball and swayed back and forth to try and open my cervix more. The nurse checked me twice, and FINALLY. . . after about 2 hours of anticipation and contractions that hurt, she said "OK, you're at a 3. we can admit you!" I was so happy, because I was ready for that epidural. I had two contractions on the way FROM the hospital room we were in, to the labor room.

Five seconds after we stepped foot into the labor room, A gush of warm fluid splashed to the floor as well as the rest of my mucus plug. I immediately got happy and said, "YES! We are having a baby!" The nurses and my mom and JJ laughed. The contractions got stronger but I at least could see light at the end of the tunnel.

I screamed, moaned, and even cussed a little bit (ughhh, don't hold me responsible!!) through the contractions. I was very vocal about my pain and a little bit rude too; yep, I was THAT girl. Well, in came the anesthesiologist and we were ready to rock n roll.

Back track a little. . . .The one thing I was MOST scared about was the IV. For months I obsessed about how painful it was going to be, and how much anxiety it was going to give me. Funny story, we waited until I was in the middle of a contraction and the IV did not phase me ONE BIT!!! I was too focused on the contraction. That needle was easy peasy compared to the contractions. I have no idea why I was so worried about it. . . probably because I had never experienced a contraction before. Like, a real legit one. It was unlike anything else in the world.

After the IV was in, and I had my first dose of antibiotics (I was tested GBS positive so it was vital that I had the antibiotics), it was time for the epidural. I had almost ripped my husband's shirt to threads, knocked my mom's glasses off twice, broke blood vessel's in my husband's hand, and head butted him like four times through the contractions. . . . ask me about my pain tolerance--I don't have any. The anesthesiologist was so sweet and gentle and made sure I was comfortable. It didn't HURT AT ALL!!! It was seriously the tiniest amount of pain. It took 15 minutes, and about 3 more contractions for it to set in.

This is so funny, ha ha-- my face after the epidural!! 

GUYS. I WAS IN HEAVEN. I cried happy tears, I was excited beyond words, I was laughing and having conversations with everyone around me, I just kept saying, "I'm so happy. I'm so grateful for epidurals. I'm so happy. I'm just so happy. I'm so relieved." I said this at least 754 times. I even took a little cat nap.

About four COMFORTABLE hours later (took full advantage of the medication given; anytime I felt discomfort, I pushed a button and it was gone. I didn't feel any contractions whatsoever.), , , my doctor came in. Turns out my water had not broken FULLY when my mucus plug came out; so my doctor broke it and I was now at an 8 and 100% effaced. I was shocked!! In fact, everyone was shocked! I decided to stop pushing my special button so that when the time came to push, I would feel the urge and my body would know what to do.

I gotta tell you about my doctor, what's awesome is she is my mom's very best friend. I also delivered at the same hospital where my mom is a labor & delivery nurse-- so I seriously felt like I was getting the VIP treatment. Also, another detail. . . postpartum rooms at the hospital ARE LEGIT--California king bed with the most comfortable sheets and the pillows. . . .oh the pillows.

Anyway, here's a picture of my adorable doctor. She is more like family to me, I call her my Aunt Julie.

At 8:30 PM, my doctor checked me again and I was complete. The blue tarp and the tools came out and it was time for me to start pushing. I could feel the pressure and my body WANTED to push. It was kind of like when you get the flu and your body just kind of heaves to throw up. . . my body wanted to push.  I get teary eyed writing this part because this was my most favorite part of being in labor. I LOVED PUSHING!!! My husband held one leg, my mom held the other and they were pumping me up. I felt like I was in the state championship basketball game; it was 4th quarter and it was time to compete with everything I had. My husband kept telling me I was amazing and kissing me on the forehead in between pushes. He looked at me like I've never seen anyone look at me before. I dug down deep and pushed through the pain. My doctor and mom said he had dark thick hair. I reached down and felt his squishy head. I wanted to see it too, so the nurse got a mirror and when I saw his head, I teared up big time and was overcome with a wave of emotion, I said, "OH MY GOSH- LETS DO THIS!!!!! I WANT HIM SO BAD!" About 4 pushes later, I could fill him slipping from my body (that was seriously so cool, unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life, I yelled, "oh my gosh, I feel him coming out!! I feel my baby!!"). . . I saw his head and shoulders and little arms when my doctor said, "You want to pull him out?" Without hesitation, I grabbed him under his armpits and I pulled him the rest of the way out. It was the coolest, most spiritual experience of my entire life. I have never felt stronger and more powerful; I felt brave and beautiful, I have never felt closer to my Father in Heaven. I put Carter on my chest, and I immediately started to sob, "I love you son. Oh my son, I love you so much. I love you my baby. Oh my sweet baby."  I only pushed for 50 minutes total. I delivered him at 9:26 PM. As I was enjoying my baby, I noticed my doctor frantically working away on sewing me up so I assumed I had a small tear. The entire time that I was pushing, I was being told that I was pushing correctly and doing awesome so I didn't think I had torn that much.

Well, little did I know. . . I had torn from the inside, and nowhere on the outside. And I was severely swollen. A couple hours later, I attempted to stand and blacked out. I was unconscious and shaking really bad, in turn the nurses thought I was seizing. I woke up to an oxygen mask and teary eyes from my husband. . . people were saying my name. I was in so much pain that I had just blacked out, I was also exhausted.

That's all I will touch on about the recovery process because it has been traumatic and I would rather forget about all together if possible. I was given a blessing the next day and I know that through the power of the priesthood that I WILL forget and that I will be only reminded of happy blissful memories from my delivery.

Look how cute little bug is!

Today, two days later, I am already feeling a lot better!! The swelling has gone down and I am able to walk on my own. . . it will get better and better, I know this.

This is the birth story of Carter in a nutshell. Of course I can't begin to express the emotions associated with his birth. . . and I'm going on about 2 hours of sleep but I am so happy. I will cherish this day forever. My sister is a talented videographer and she videoed the birth!! I will share on the blog as soon as she is finished.

Enjoy the pictures, we are so in love. He weighed 8 lbs. 15.1 ounces and he is 21 inches long.
He's our muscle man, and our little bundle of sweet cuddles and joy!!

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