I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Moving out, moving on.

I can't say that this has been an easy semester.
In fact, these last three months have been the most challenging months of life, I feel like.

I am finally going home for seven wonderful weeks.

I will be attending a family reunion, seeing my best friends, going to Hawaii for TWO WEEKS, and hopefully finding a little work here and there.

Then, when I return for FALL, Elder Hyde will have six short weeks left on his mission. I can't believe it..

So, here's to summer.

Here's to letting go of those who have hurt me.

Here's to forgiving myself.

Here's to the one who didn't give up on me

Here's to the trials that have made me stronger

Here's to one more semester down

I am hopeful that next semester will be an exciting, yet super busy, semester full of new friends, new classes, and many memories.

I am so grateful I made it through this semester and I know that although I don't understand some things right now, I will in the future. . . .

In other news, I caught a rainbow trout, gutted the thing, and ate it today for Sunday dinner. Yummy. What can I say, I'm an I-D-A-H-O girl ;)

1 comment:

  1. Haha I'm gonna creep on your blog here so I hope you don't mind my comments. ;) Isn't this crazy?! I am so glad that you made it through your semester. :) I know how you feel, I have one Fall semester left and Mark will be home! It's so crazy to even think about that it's finally coming down to the wire! So excited for you! :D
