I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Temple-to-Temple Relay Race and allllll that jazz

This past Saturday, I participated in a temple relay race.
We began at the Rexburg temple and ended up at the Idaho Falls temple--37 miles.
I ran four of those miles, there were eight of us on the relay team.
Needless to say, my life is really good right now.
Jess and I
candid moment ;)

Starting our race @ Rexburg temple

Our best friend, Jason

Rudy after he finished his part of the relay

Ending at the IF temple

After a hard day of work. . . :)

Our team (except for Jason)


Such a beautiful temple<3

Our team: The Inuit Warriors

Kelton, Kelton, He's our man!

The 3 Muskateers 

The "Inuit Warriors" girls squad 

JJ made me smile EXTRA big this week.
I received a letter and SD card in the mail. Honestly, there is no greater feeling than receiving an SD card completely full of pictures and other little goodies. So blessed to have such an amazing BOYFRIEND.

Jess and I both got letters, YAY!

. . . . 
I love him so much!!!!

College is so amazing.
its hard.
but, it is so worth it.
I will be sure to update on allll my amazing adventures over this semester ;)
my last semester at byu-ido.

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