I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I would rather;

"I would rather wait and find out that he is not the one, than to not wait and always wonder if he could have been the one.."

So thankful for this experience, and all that has come with it.
these last ten months have been a learning experience for me--I am certainly learning a lot about myself, especially the fact that Heavenly Father MUST be testing my patience ;)
I can't wait to see where these next fourteen months take us.

In the meantime, I am gearing up for another semester of school. This will be my final semester at BYUI. . .I will soon be transferring and taking on new adventures. Rexburg has been good to me, and it will be missed deeply. BUT, after much prayer--I feel, with my whole heart, that this is the right decision for me.

I have loved BYUI, and all that has come with it. The memories are endless. So many laughs, so many basketball games, so many friends--there has also been heartbreak. But all in all, it has been a whole lot of good.

Two years ago, I was hardly getting any sleep--due to anxiety and excitement about my first semester of college. I had just met JJ, and we had been on two dates. He was back in UT. and I was packing up for school. We had been talking on the phone every day, and I really liked. Who would've known that we would be where we are today. Two years later. . . . .him now on a mission, me here going to school.

I wouldn't change a single thing about this journey. meeting in august. going on a date to the park. visiting him in slc. him coming to rexburg to see me. the first time i ever cried over a boy. never really moving on. the way we were brought back together unexpectedly. how he fought so hard for me. the sad tears. the mad tears. the happy tears. the first time we said i love you. the heartbreak of him leaving. the happiness of receiving my first letter. the waiting.

wouldn't change a thing. because in the end, we fell in love all over again.

I'm waiting. & that's that.

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