I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to school I go.

A year ago this week..I was DREADING going back to school because that meant not being able to see my boyfriend every day..
I didn't want to pack.
I was super dramatic.
& I made him take me to Rexburg.

Mixed-emotions. It's almost his year mark. I've been packing which, in turn, has made me emotional.
I'm excited to go back to school. not excited about 17 credits. I miss my boyfriend.
This time I'll be driving there on my own--with no AC, might I add.
I bought a new bike, its really cute. I've got some new outfits.
The hair is did. The nails will be did tomorrow. New glasses. New contacts.
Sister and I are having a lot of fun tonight. Movie night with the family.
Didn't get a letter today. Stressing over the fact that I don't know my new address, so look like I wont be getting letters for a while. My room is in complete disarray. My sister and I just laughed so hard we both about peed our pants..literally 10 minutes ago. I've read my scriptures every single night for the last three weeks. All I want is chocolate right now. My laptop feel like its on fire, and is holding on for dear life--it smells like smoke, and I am just waiting for it to break down. I'm happy. JJ is the sweetest guy in the world.


Welll, those are some of the many things spinning around in my mind tonight. . .

On another "note" (I'm so funny),
I found something special . .
Before J left, we made a chain. 24 + 1 extra--I would rip one off on each month mark..cute idea, right?
well here was our first mistake--we put the notes on the OUTSIDE of the chain, the biggest temptation of my life. It was like, dangling a piece of fresh meat in front of a bear..but, seriously.

After he left, I was so sad that all I wanted to do was read all his sweet notes. But my roommate happily slapped my hands away each time I went to reach for one; and THEN, offered to take apart the chain and turn the words to the inside. It was a nice gesture--She decided to take it a step further however and with each turn of the words, she...well, READ THOSE WORDS (with my permission) and sighed and said, "ohhhhh!!! SO CUTE!" with each one. I would swiftly punch her in the arm..but she kept doing it. Just to torture me :) Anyway, long story short, we finally got things situated--and I withstood the temptation. It was hard, but I did it.

Fast-forward two months later. I over-slept the day that I was moving out of my apartment, and in sheer-panic woke up the next day with a call from my mom, "I'm at the airport--where are you?" I screamed, and scurried (I was only 1/4 of the way done packing all my stuff) out of my bed as fast as I could. I started throwing things into rubber bins (some of them weren't even mine, which reminds me that I need to pay my roommate back. . . .oops) and called my FHE brothers. They were over at my place within two minutes, loading things into my trunk while I went and combed my hair and brushed my teeth. LONG STORY SHORT, in attempts to swiftly put all my junk in the trunk (he he), they completely smashed, ripped, demolished my chain and barely got my trunk to close. I was so sad. When I got home I managed to straighten them out...well, you can probably guess what happened. The temptation got the best of me, and I read all of them. Darn it! I was still in that "fresh" phase, where he had only been gone for a couple months so I was still all torn up about him not being around. Reading all of them actually helped a lot.

Here are a couple of the chain-links ;) I just had to share. . . .

I've got a great guy, y'all.
I'm so lucky<3

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you gave in!!!!! That pic of the bear made me laugh.
