I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dearest Sweetheart;

I've been thinking about you a lot today. It's one of those days where it's raining, and cold, and all I want to do is snuggle up next to you and watch the playoffs.

It's one of those days where I lay in bed tossing and turning, trying to remember your hugs.

 Its one of those days where I especially miss those over-used phrases you always would say, and the way you would light up when I walked into the room. Its one of those days where I miss you letting me give you the biggest hugs, those ones where you wouldn't let me go. I just miss you, J. I'm missing you in a way, where it actually hurts a little bit. Its one of those days where I miss the way that you simply just "get me", you know me better than I know myself and you still love me..

It's been seven months since you left on your mission. I still think about you every single day; whenever I have downtime, my mind turns to you. I am grateful that I have someone in my life that I miss as much as I miss you. I have attempted to "date", or at least go on dates...it's not going too well, J. They're just...not you. Its hard to even compare these guys to you, because there really is no comparison. Its funny how those small things you do, suddenly become big things that I remember--things that those other guys just don't have. Like, the way that you would tell me I looked beautiful a bajillion times and then say, "have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?" Or the way that you would kiss my forehead and tell me that you loved me; but, in a way where I actually believed you. Remember that one time we went out to dinner, and you saw a friend from high school? You introduced me to him as your wife. Its just those little things, those small memories, that have impacted me so greatly. We would always tell each other, "you're my best friend", but I never realized how true that was until after you left. There has been so many instances where I just want to call you and tell you something funny that happened that day..but instead I listen to the voicemails you would leave me while I was teaching preschool. "Hi Mrs. Hyde, I love you." Those little things...just make me love you so much.

My parents love you a lot. I'll never forget the last visit you made to my house before you left..I was here at school, but my mom called me after you said "see ya later" to my family. You told my parents how serious you were about me..& that you loved me "more than you could express", and if I was still here when you got home, you would take care of me forever. They knew..they knew since that first time you came over and you and had dinner with us..the way we looked at each other..they just knew how we felt for one another. I remember my dad putting his hand on your shoulder at the BSU game, and that look he gave you--the look he gives me when I've done something that makes him proud of me. Later that night, he came into my room & told me that you're the guy that he has pictured me with since I was a little girl, and he was proud of the choices we were making. My mom never ceases to bring you up in conversation, she called me yesterday to tell me about the letter she sent you; she's taking her "watching out for you, and not letting any guys take your place" comment seriously. :)

Whenever I find myself feeling lazy with my studies, you honestly keep me motivated. Your face pops into my head..all those times you told me that you were proud of me, and that I was smart, and an example to you. I listened, and you were sincere when you said those things to me..I loved the way that you were genuinely interested in how my preschool lesson went..you always told me that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

I've never loved the way that I love you.

I love the way you put me in my place when I'm being feisty.
I love the way you have such a big heart, you would do anything for your family.
I love the way your hands tremble when you get nervous.
I love how patient you are with me; even that one time when I drove your truck home, my first time driving stick shift.
I love how you got up and bore your testimony in singles ward, and I saw the light of Christ in your eyes.
I love the way you love your mom and always talk about how amazing she is.
I love how you always tell me you love me, and you meant it.
I love how you trust our relationship, and allow me "to have wings to fly".
I love how you plan our dates, and get so excited about it.
I love how you kiss my forehead, and let me fall asleep on you.
I love how you screamed like a little girl when my mom scared us on the four-wheelers. LOL!
I love how much you love your sisters.
I love the way you hold my hand, and kiss it whenever you get the chance.
I love how you eat like a horse! :)
I love the way you treat my family, and you're so real with them.
I love the way you would hold me and tell me you love me, even in front of my family.
I love that you're worthily serving a mission, and how you were always respectful to me.
I love how you let me be sensitive, and know when to stop teasing me and when its okay.
I love how you know what embarrasses me.
I love how you show me off, and think that I am something great--when its actually you that is the amazing one.
I love how you send me flowers, or surprise me with little things.

I love you J. I look forward to the day that you get home..but, I don't worry that things wont work out. I know that what we have felt over this past year--and even before that...isn't fake or small. We just work. I'm following your advice by not counting the days but making the days count. These are the things I would say to you if you were here, but I LOVE how focused we both are--your mission is first priority right now..not the "miss you's" or reminiscing from the girlfriend..there will be plenty of time for that later..:) Maybe someday you'll even read this post..

It's worth it, you're worth it. See you soon, sweetheart. Until then, I'll carry your love with me<3

Take off eight of those.
(he made one extra for me to read that night)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Life is short; make the best of it.

I apologize to my readers for my selfishness :)
I haven't updated the blog in a while, and I'm sure that most of you are just DYING to know(exaggeration, completely..) how my skype date with Elder Hyde went.

Well, first off..let me just tell you that he is as handsome as ever. Even on a blurry skype camera wearing ghetto '90's style headphones, J still managed to give me butterflies. He's a little skinnier, and a little bit more tan..but other than that, he's the same Jaje :)

I was so lucky to be able to spend time with his family, and see some of his siblings and nieces and nephews. His sister, Andrea, and her kids were there, as well as his brother Justin, his wife Becca and their kids. They are all so kind to me, and it pleases me that the man that I love comes from such a fantastic family.

In our last two minutes together, he told me "to keep holding on just a little bit longer" and that he loves me so much. This left me comforted, and then when I returned to Rexburg, I had a letter from him. He is the sweetest, and I love getting his letters. Have I mentioned how happy he makes me?

Last night, I decided to keep my roommate/best friend company at her work..Kait works the graveyard shift as a CNA at an assisted living home. I had no idea what I was getting myself into..:) but so glad that I went.

All night, we cooked and cooked and cooked. Kait makes all the meals for the next day on her graveyard shifts, and usually is cooking from the time she arrives at 9 pm. to 5 am. She cooks for sixteen residents. I don't think I have ever peeled that many potatoes. Together, we made roast, four salads, lemon bars, mashed potatoes, and soup. She is blessed with the ability to be a wonderful CNA. It almost brought tears to my eyes to see her patience and love towards each elderly person residing at the assisted living home. I made the rounds with her, and we had a few good laughs--but, I learned a lot from this experience. Isnt it amazing how the Lord provides us with such amazing opportunities that allow us to grow and progress spiritually?

I really came to realize how valuable and precious time truly is. There is a couple that lives at the home; the man is non-verbal and can't do anything on his own, he relies on those working at the home to help him with tasks that come so easy to us. This is where the story touched my heart. His wife, who is almost completely independent, lives at the home to be with him. The couple met when the woman was only seventeen. They met at a church dance, and after the dance was over--the man asked her if he could give her a ride home. She accepted, and after arriving home, her smile never left her face. Her dad asked, "What are you smiling about?" She replied, "Daddy, I just met my husband."

I heard this story and thought about what it would be like to live in that era; or even have to send my husband out to war like my grandparents experienced. Here I am, just trying to not be sad about parting from my boyfriend for two short years...when, these army wives had much more SEVERE worries; when will I see my husband again? Will he come home alive? Why haven't I received word from him in MONTHS? Their husbands or boyfriends were out fighting for their lives and for our country, at least I know that my boyfriend is safe and in the hands of the Lord--being taken care of in Peru.

Isn't it amazing the things that you can learn by truly looking at the whole picture? Time goes by faster than you  realize--well, for me anyway. I'm so thankful for the experience I had, and although I did not get an ounce of sleep, I was so happy that the Spirit prompted me to join my friend for the night..at first, I was a little discouraged that I would be cooking all night instead of doing something fun in Rexburg--but as the night went on, and my hands continued a workin' the more I enjoyed it. Kait and I talked about the gospel, our missionaries, and our goals--we laughed and laughed, all while serving others; when you serve, you are blessed--and I truly feel blessed by the realization that I felt last night; live life to the fullest, because time moves quickly.

We arrived back in Rexburg around 7:00 am and although, it was so difficult to get out of bed two hours later for church, I was glad that I did because I really felt the Spirit stronger than I had in a while. While at work last night, I helped Kait prepare her lesson for Sunday school; she found the conference talk, and I wrote up the talk while she finished up cooking. The talk was by Elder Cook, titled, "It is Better to Look Up"...if you haven't already read the talk, I prompt you to read it. (or watch it, here is the link!)

Elder Cook starts his talk by relaying an experience he had. He had just been called as General Authority, and contemplated the new stress he was experiencing in this calling. He got on the elevator after a long day, and found himself staring at the floor; thinking about his responsibilities. The elevator door opened, and he didn't glance up, when all of a sudden he heard a familiar voice, "What are you looking at down there?" Embarrassed, he raised his head, to meet the eyes of our Prophet, "Oh nothing.." He said, timidly. President Monson responded with, "It is better to look up." A small statement with such meaning.

A story from the scriptures was mentioned in the talk; after the Israelites had defeated the caananites, a plague broke out--MANY poisonous serpeants began to attack the children of Israel. Moses was then commanded to raise a brass serpeant (which represented Christ), he told the people to look up to the Serpeant and they would be healed; many did not follow this commandment. Alma believed that this was because the people did not believe that such a simple act would free them. This can be connected to our modern day--how often do we turn away from the "simple things" in our lives that draw us closer to Christs, such as; scripture study, prayer, paying our tithing, etc.

I find myself guilty of turning away or not looking up at times when I feel that my life is "too busy"--but, like I learned at the assisted living home, time is precious, and some of those distractions that I "busy" myself with, are of no eternal significance. How can I judge those Israelites if I find myself in the same situation as they? Those poisonous serpeants in my life are worldly distractions that really take away the true value that is deep inside of me. Elder Cook shared scriptures that talked about being STRENGTHENED. We wrote down our burdens/trials on a piece of paper, crumpled them up, and "let them go" in a trash bin. Simple, right? As easy at that sounds, its hard to let go of our burdens sometime...but like President Monson said, "It is better to look up!!"

Christ is always there for us. This really tied into my relief society lesson that talked about delving into our scriptures. Something that really struck me was the usage of SEARCH in many of the quotes read in class. This caused me to reflect on the word SEARCH. When I think of searching, I think of my sheer panic that I feel when I have lost something. We SEARCH high and low, we tear things apart to find this one possession (at least I do!)..why is that? Well, its because this "thing" is of great value and significance to us, correct? That is exactly what it means to search our scriptures; the word of God is of GREAT value to us; a precious mine full of gems and diamonds just awaiting to touch us deeply--caused by the Spirit. I know that by SEARCHING, we will find the courage to "look up" when times are difficult.

Time is precious. I was greatly impacted by that thought; I want to make this time in my life as valuable as possible by looking up when I feel more like looking down. Time is constant, Christ is always with us, and we are given POWERFUL tools to get us through this earthly life.

This post is lengthy, but I hope it touched you as it did me. Thanks for tuning in :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Julio Caballero

so, I get on facebook..and see that I have a friend request.
I click on the name, and see that we have no mutual friends.
BUT, I see....Trujillo, Peru. I send him a message asking if he knows Elder Hyde.
Turns out that he knows him. VERY WELL. Elder Hyde is giving his boss gospel discussions. How cool is that? Julio is from Paraguay, but served his mission in Trujillo a couple years ago, and now resides there. Well, I guess that Elder Hyde showed him a picture of me or told him my name, and so he looked me up on facebook..
He told me that JJ loves me very much, and that he is going to take a picture of Elder Hyde and him tomorrow after church and send it to me! How cute is that?

After I took this picture...I asked him why his eyes were red..(He's not that great at English, if you can't already tell..), and he said that he can tell he loves me through his eyes.

 He also told me that I better wait for him, or else I would be losing out on a good person AND a good man...

so sweet, I'm not going to lie...I shed a tear or two...or three. or six.

This absolutely made my entire day, month, AND year.

& to top it all off, I get to skype with his family and him tomorrow. I am the luckiest girl in the world. 

Love you JJ...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

See you again..

Said goodbye, turned aroundAnd you were gone, gone, goneFaded into the setting sun,Slipped awayBut I wont cry..
Cause I know I’ll never be lonelyFor you are the stars to me,You are the light I follow[Chorus:]I’ll See you again, ohThis is not where it endsI will carry you with me, ohTill I see you againI can hear those echoes in the wind at nightCalling me back in timeBack to youIn a place far awayWhere the water meets the skyThe thought of it makes me smileYou are my tomorrowI’ll See you again, ohThis is not where it endsI will carry you with me, ohTill I see you again[Bridge:]Sometimes I feel my heart is breakingBut I stay strong and I hold on cause I knowI’ll see you again, ohThis is not where it endsI will carry you with me, yeah yeah[Outro:]I’ll See you again, ohThis is not where it endsI will carry you with me, ohTill I see you againTill I see you again,Till I see you again,Said goodbye turned aroundAnd you were gone, gone, gone

Oh HEY perfect song.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Reunion


^^watch that.

18 more months....holy cow, that is just around the corner.

With each letter, I only love him more...& I can assure you that the feelings are mutual. :)
How'd I get so lucky?

Underneath the temple picture, the words "The best things are worth finishing" are highlighted in yellow.
Thanks Elder Hyde, I agree....we've got a good thing going ;)

Friday, May 4, 2012

My Angel

Happy Birthday to the most amazing woman I know. We always joke that "we must have been best friends in the pre-existence", but I know one thing for sure--I have got the best mom there is. This lady does it all....
When she's not on her Harley, taking trips across the U.S. and Canada...

She's fishing in Mexico..

Or Alaska...

Mexico again...or was it Hawaii? She's done both, guys.....
Alaska again, dad was so proud!

When she's not shooting deer, or hunting with my dad....

She's camping, making fires, and riding 4-wheelers like a boss...
This woman is always livin' life to the fullest...

She makes amazing quilts...

& is the apple of her daddy's eye ;)

Her mother adores her, they're best friends!! 
She wanted to go back to school to become an RN

She set her mind to going back to school and completing her longtime dream...and...

She made that dream possible! She is an amazing Labor and Delivery Nurse..& I think college is hard? She went back after having three children. It took her seven years because she only took classes that wouldn't interfere with her being our mother...I honestly NEVER remember her being gone or having homework/tests/anything like that....She graduated with nearly a 4.0.......SHE IS SO SMART AND GIFTED!!!!
She is an amazing cook
Wonderful mother-in-law/step-mom/mother :)
She puts her whole heart into being the best mother and wife she can possibly be

She is goofy and loves to laugh...and always finds time to spend one-on-one time with each of her children
She got us t-shirts and second row tickets to Adam Lambert, our favorite!

She is our best friend..

The most amazing wife...

supportive mother and grandmother...
she has been to nearly all my sporting events, plays, etc. Same goes for her other children and grandchildrens' events..

She always lets us know how proud of us she is..
She is GORGEOUS inside and out..

I look up to my mother, Teresa Lynn, in every aspect of my life..
Spiritually=she has taught me to love the gospel, to use the atonement daily in my life, look towards the temple, and raise my children in a happy home where the spirit is always present. She has a beautiful testimony...and I have learned so much from her--she has made me the woman that I am today.
Academically=She has taught me to never allow myself to become lazy or limited, and that education is important. She doesn't let me make excuses, and causes me to dig down deep to find my true potential. She helps me to see the value of college and gaining a degree.
My mother has taught me about compassion, and the need to be kind to others...my mom is one of the most selfless people that I have ever known. She has a heart of gold, and never ever ever puts herself first. She loves her family with all that she has, and lets us know it too! She serves others, and is very christ-like. She talks to strangers where ever we go--or simply flashes them a smile, and I know that it completely makes their day..
My mom has also taught me about budgeting...I'm still learning, but this woman is a business woman! She owns three of her own businesses, pays all the bills, and knows everything there is to know about the business world--she is so bright!! 
My mom has shown me the type of wife I want to be someday...I hope that I can be half the woman she is. She is well-rounded, patient with my dad, keeps a beautiful home, supports her kids and grandchildren, and is the most wonderful wife...my dad loves her so much, and I hope that my husband will love me like my dad loves her...she is so beautiful inside and out, and she is always willing to try new things and develop new talents. 

Happy Birthday, Mommy! I am so blessed to have you. You are my best friend in the whole world..and I can't wait until I have little babies and we become even closer...They will love you almost as much as I love you! Thanks for giving me the world, and for all the opportunities and experiences that you have blessed me with...I hope you know how much you mean to me. Thanks for all the advice over the years--I really do listen to everything you say, and 99% of the time you are right on! I love that we are on the "same wave-length" and always know when one is having a bad day, we are seriously twins! I want you to know that  I will always be your baby girl..and I will always love you forever!


Love, Little Jo

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Families are Forever

Today, I felt inspired to post about something very dear to me--and that is my forever family.

But, I felt the need to focus on my future forever family..

"Why are so many willing to give so much in order to receive the blessings of the temple? Those who understand the eternal blessings which come from the temple know that no sacrifice is too great, no price too heavy, no struggle too difficult in order to receive those blessings. There are never too many miles to travel, too many obstacles to overcome, or too much discomfort to endure. They understand that the saving ordinances received in the temple that permit us to someday return to our Heavenly Father in an eternal family relationship and to be endowed with blessings and power from on high are worth every sacrifice and every effort."

-President Thomas S. Monson

I'm taking a family foundations course here at BYU-ID, and it has really opened my eyes to the importance of family. Never in my life have I ever doubt the love that both my parents have for me; I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home where hugs, kisses, and "I love you's" are given out several times a day. Never did I wonder to myself, "Am I loved by my family?" For others, this isn't the case--and that breaks my heart. 

This week, in class, we talked about temple marriage, and the importance of those sacred covenants that we make with our spouse, and essentially our forever family..

The choices that I make now will affect my future family--that is something that I am continually reminded of each and every day..the older I get, the more important that becomes to me. I want my future kids to see me as a role model--and I know that in order for that to happen, I need to start becoming a role model now.

Its not always easy choosing the right..sometimes, you find yourself in hard spots, where your morals could easily have been compromised--but, I honestly believe that if you are able and willing to allow Christ in as the center of your life...the rewards will be unfathomable. When we choose to follow the commandments, we have great reason to rejoice!
When Alma was preaching the gospel in Melek, he went onward and was rejected in Ammonihah, he found himself down in the dumps--but was instructed by an Angel of the Lord to return to Ammonihah. When Alma followed this commandment, he was blessed..
"Blessed art thou, Alma, therefore, lift up thy head and rejoice, for thou hast great cause to rejoice; for thou hast been faithful in keeping the commandments of God from the time which thou receivedst thy first message from him..."

I was reading through my scriptures, and found this verse highlighted, and with the name "Genny" written over Alma..what an important reminder of what to expect when we are in-tune with the Spirit and promptings from the Lord. 

I love this gospel. I know Christ lives. I know that I am a daughter of God. I know that President Monson is a living prophet, and mouth-piece for the Lord. I know that missionary work is essential for all of our brothers and sisters to receive eternal salvation. I know that Heavenly Father knows my weaknesses, but I also know that he keeps in mind; my strengths, passions, love, and good doings. I know that if I continue to make righteous decisions, I can and will be rewarded with a forever family. I am so grateful for the spirit, and the promptings that I receive. 

“If ye love me, keep my commandments." This is the essence of what it means to be a true disciple: those who receive Christ Jesus walk with him.” 
― Dieter F. Uchtdorf