I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Birthday Extravaganza :)

I am one lucky girl.

I am so blessed and very grateful for the wonderful people in my life.
Today I went to lunch with some of the Hyde girls at a restaurant called La Belle Vie. It is this cute little place in Nampa, and the food was delicious. I experienced creme brulee for the first time. I also got to open gifts from my boyfriend, JJ, who is serving in Peru (in case you didn't know that :)) His family is so great, and I was so happy to be able to chat with them and catch up with the girls. 

My first gift was a cute little scarf :)

I wasn't kidding when I said "little"--LOL!

JJ's mom, Heather :)

Digging into the bag...

A really cool Peruvian bag

My boyfriend knows me all too well
PINK is definitely my favorite color

JJ spoiled me :)

Love my new purse

The Beautiful Hyde girls and me
After lunch, I went and saw my nephew Porter in his basketball game, and then later that evening my sisters and sister in law went and saw The Vow with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams. It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be, but still a good chick flick...even if it did make me miss JJ..but just a little bit :)

^^^^My sisters all were convinced that one of the characters was a less-attractive scrawnier clone of JJ, what do you think?

I'm improving on my envelope decorating skills....

In case he needed a motivational boost... :)

The end of the JJ's email to the family  from this week...especially addressed to me :)

"this next part is for Genny Lynn Gustin. so if your name isnt Genny Lynn Gustin. close your eyes! HA 

Lastly, Happy birthday Genny Lynn Gustin!!!! i know its a day late but its the best i can do. i love you and i am so grateful for your  support. it really help especially when im gettin pegged by water balloons. Anyway hang in there! i love you with all my heart done forget it!
I am one lucky girl.

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