I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Why I am "Holding Out For a Hero"

I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life

I was listening to this song in the car yesterday and I really took a second to listen to the lyrics.
I decided that this song is perfect for me.

These past 23 months haven't been easy, but they sure have been worth it.
I sit here typing this at the library, trying to get a little entry in before going to class and work. This semester, I am taking 16 credits, I have two jobs, and I am playing competitive basketball. Talk about STRESS! And did I mention that Jared Jordan Hyde comes home in 28 days? Yep, 28. The time is flying. I am honestly so excited/nervous.

Anyway, these lyrics. I have been thinking about them a lot and why they mean something to me. You see, I decided to date while my missionary has been gone. I've been on several dates, I even had a boyfriend for a couple of months. . . nothing seemed to feel right. Nothing seemed to give me that "I can't live without you" feeling, or give me permanent butterflies. . .They say you should marry your best friend, not someone you can live with, but someone you cannot live without.

I am so happy that I dated though because it only confirmed my love for my "hero".
This may sound cheesy or corny, and I know JJ is just a guy and he'll make mistakes....but, I see so much good in him. He really is such an example to me, and I guess that is part of why he is my "hero".

As JJ returns home with honor (in less than a month), "he is fresh from the fight". He is coming home from his mission a MAN. The armor of God is with him, and he is so full of the spirit. That is something I have been trying really hard to do over these 2 years, is to GROW SPIRITUALLY. I am so proud of him and his choice to worthily serve a mission. . .he is "fresh from the fight", and this makes me consider him a "hero". Not everyone can serve a two year mission for the Lord where you give up so much, I don't think I could do it. But I am so grateful that I have been able to tag along on this journey through his letters, pictures , and e-mails.

I feel that I really have been "holding out" these past two years. People ask me "how do you do it?" "WHY do you do it?"

If you had been swept off your feet as I had, you would do the same thing. You know when you just get this completely peaceful reassurance that you're on the right path? That's how I felt every time I was with him before his mission. I cannot begin to express my love for him, but its more than anything I have ever felt in my life. It was a feeling I couldn't find anywhere else. I knew that no matter who I dated, no matter who pursued me, I would have to "hold out". I would have to see JJ and feel that spark again.

"He's got to be sure". Oh, and that's what he is.
He's sure in a couple of different ways. He sure about me. . . that's for sure. Ha! He has always been confident that we're going to be together forever. It is so amazing to be loved--despite all my flaws and shortcomings, the boy loves me--and tells me this often.
He is also sure about the gospel. His testimony continually inspires mine. He is strong in the gospel, and he loves the Savior Jesus Christ. He is truly "larger than life".

I am so grateful for this experience. I have been able to grow and mature in so many ways. I love him.
Writing my final letter was bittersweet. More sweet than bitter. Soon I'll be able to have face-to-face conversations with him, kiss him, and hold his hand. I am so so so excited. Four Saturdays and he will be home.

Somebody pinch me.

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