I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Livin' the dream in 2013.

January marks the beginning of a fabulous year.
Also, January is month 15 of this waiting business.
9 months, 3 weeks, and 4 days(ish. . . depending on official release date) until my babe comes home to me.
I can honestly say that time has gone by incredibly fast. I am more than half way done.

So, what happened in 2012? Here are some highlights:
January-Spent New Years in Salt Lake City, Missionary #1 came home, drama EXPLODED with all of that, I worked at CCI full-time, JJ hit his three month mark, my sister turned 17.
February- I turned 20, continued working, saw a whole lot of basketball, watched my high school team win state for the third year in a row. . .four months of J's mission completed
March-Spent four days in Florida, spent 7 days in the Caribbean, Finished working at CCI, started packing for another semester of school. . . five months done
April-Started school again, met some amazing friends, had a party to celebrate 1/4 of J's mission completed...six months down
May-Got to skype with J and his family for Mother's Day, went to a Jazz game, school got harder, seven months down...
June-Went to a Luke Bryan concert, met more friends, Rexburg actually started to get warmer, eight months down...
July-Ended spring semester, spent a lot of time with my family, worked a little...nine months down
August-Week long float trip with the family down the Salmon River, relaxed and enjoyed the remainder of my summer...ten months down
September-Started fall semester, went to a couple football games, lived with my best friend in the entire world, made so many memories, had the best semester of my life, got a good job...eleven months down
November-Thanksgiving, black friday shopping...13 months down
December- Christmas, got to skype the love of my life...14 months down

That's a re-cap of my year in a nut shell. Obviously, there were many more memories made ;) If I went on to tell every single thing...well, a novel would be the outcome.

I am proud to say that 2012 was a great, exciting, adventurous year for me. I had to deal with a lot of hardships, but I was also blessed with amazing opportunities and fun times as well. 2012 was a huge growing year for me. I feel as though I matured the most over these last 12 months. I learned so much about my strengths and weaknesses and how to harness both to help me be a better woman. If I could do it all over again...I wouldn't change a thing. Every guy I went on dates with, even seeing my ex-boyfriend who I dated all through high school. . . only made me fall more and more in love with JJ. I still have much room for improvement and look forward to these next twelve months. I get my sweetheart back this year. We're still not sure of his exact release date...but, soon I will be in single digits and that makes me have butterflies BIG time.

Bring it on 2013.

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