I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nothing worth having comes easy

So, some interesting series of events have happened recently.
I feel like I need to share--not so much to vent about my life, more because this is practically my journal..and I like remembering the great and not so great experiences that have happened/are going to happen over this two year span. Lucky for you, you get a little insight into the brain of...me. I don't know if that's good news for you, or bad news..but we're about to find out.*deeply inhales, loud exhale* HERE WE GO.

Now, I know that I have a few fellow MG followers on my blog. Those who aren't familiar with the term "MG"..it means "missionary girlfriend", there is this amazing group on facebook where us girls (over a thousand of us to be exact!) can lean on one another for support during these two years. We post pictures of our men( as many times as we want, and its private so we don't annoy non MG's--perfect eh?), relay stories, share package and letter ideas, ask questions, but most importantly we are a sisterhood, and we just "get each other"...there is only so much you can sob to your roommates and parents about, am I right? Well, these chicas never get annoyed--in fact, its almost therapeutic to be able to assist fellow MG's find the light at the end of the tunnel; we're weird like that. We have a documented countdown, I'm #292, and secretly..I know we are all thinking Hey, at least I'm not at month 1..but we don't rub it in. We take the sisterly route and say, "it flies by. it goes by so fast. you'll be where I'm at in no time." The weird thing though, is that it's true. Half the time, I feel as though I've been in a coma for the last months. Where has the time gone? Its almost freakishly scary. Anyway, to my missionary girlfriends--specifically Desiree, Lauren, Cat, Camilla, Taelor, KAITLIN, and Bri. (I feel like I'm leaving someone out), I sure do love you girls. You make this process a million times easier. and this post is not a discouraging one..each "wait" is different, and I realize that. Keep holding on. Nothing worth having comes easy.

I've been thinking about that statement a lot this week: Nothing worth having comes easy. What does that mean? Well, I'd be lying if I said this whole thing was an easy task. Its really not. I go to BYU-Idaho..also known as BYU-IDO, and with great reasoning. It is just one big pool full of RM's looking for their eternal spouses--which is a lovely thing, don't get me wrong..but it's also can be pretty bothersome and rather lonely. You tend to get sucked into this pool well because the water is refreshing--its summer time, and there is nothing better than swimming in a big cold pool with the sun shining down on your face. Correct?
Its not like I am opposed to going on dates, I like dates to be honest. It's nice to get dressed up, receive a little attention, and a free dinner...(especially if you're a poor college student like me!). But, as of late, I tested out that water--er, should I say..I lingered in the water. It felt nice, it felt...relaxing. comfortable. all the cool kids were doing it. but then hypothermia set in, and that's where I'm sitting right now.

five or six dates. with the same guy. = trouble. Trouble is an understatement.
For an MG, that is unheard of. and rather dangerous.
Needless to say, I got out of that pool as fast as possible. Its funny to me how things can start out so innocent. I invited him to JJ's six month mark party that I threw at my apartment for crying out loud! He took me to a Utah Jazz game (This guy is good, everyone knows basketball is the way to my heart!)..then he started hanging around more. & inviting me to go hang out..we went to a Luke Bryan concert with a bunch of friends (yeah, another way to my heart! gosh!)
But this whole time, in my eyes..it was nothing more than friends. Its like I can't get myself to be attracted to anyone other than JJ--in all aspects. I feel kind of bad, because with every letter or e-mail I would squeal my excitement to him..and he just sat there, I never saw a single sign of hurt or sadness.

Well last night, he told me that he wanted to date me.
um, excuse me. come again, what? It was hard because I do care for this guy but he's not JJ.
He asked me what I thought..told me to be honest.. and I told him that my heart was in Peru. I told him that JJ made me happier than anyone else has. He was hurt but...
THIS IS THE BIGGEST DECISION OF MY LIFE. DO you realize you spend eternity with your spouse?
This isn't some big "pool party" (Like how I keep using that analogy? Just accept it.)..its forever.
I came home last night, and read my scriptures..I prayed to Heavenly Father asking him to let me know if was I was doing was right...I told him how I felt about JJ and to stop me if this was the wrong path to be going down.

Guess what I woke up to this morning? A missed call from my mom. I called her back and she said she had checked the mail (from yesterday) and there was a letter to her from J. She threatened me that if I didn't marry him I would be cut off from the family...haha, love that woman! Then, I check my facebook and there were friend requests from two young girls in JJ's ward in Trujillo! Then, I received my own letter from J, and boy...was it well needed. It brought comfort to my heart. I know I have a long ways to go still BUT...

Nothing worth having comes easy.

its worth it. life is good. i'm happy.
^^^that's all that matters, right? RIGHT.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Alright, so I think its a little obvious that I like have an OBSESSION with Luke Bryan.
And guess what happened this weekend? I finally got to see him in concert.
Oh my goodness, it was a dream come true.

Third row of the Zak Brown Band 

It was quite the adventure.
105 degrees
cowboys and cowgirls
a whole lot of immodesty and drinking around us (yikes!!!--the only downside)
great company
swimming afterwards
singing at the top of our lungs
free food and drinks--VIP passes
Definitely a summer memory I will never forget. Country Jam ROCKED!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Slowly but surely..

My 24 month bucket list is coming along.
6 out of the 24 will be completed by Saturday!

4. Make a scrapbook with all of JJ's letters and pictures completed 3/2012
13. Visit the ocean, and swim with the fish completed 3/26/12
18. Go to a country concert COMPLETED 6/21/12
21. Get a 100 or more in bowling, ha ha ha! COMPLETED: 4/27/12
22. See a shooting star. COMPLETED: 2/23/2012
5. Ride a roller coaster with both hands in the air completed 3/24/12

I've got a YEAR and FOUR MONTHS before this cute boy comes home :) I think I can complete my bucket list by then..I sure hope so anyway.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

READ THIS. SO inspiring :)

Probably one of my favorite talks--so much good stuff.

An insert/my favorite part:

After a lifetime of practice and patience together, what will your last earthly threshold look like? Will it look and feel something like that of John and Therissa Clark? In 1921 John Haslem Clark of Manti, Utah, wrote what became his last journal entry:

“The folks have been here today, but have gone to their homes. The clatter of racing feet, the laughter and babble of tongues have ceased. We are alone, We two. We two whom destiny has made one. Long ago, it has been sixty years since we met under the June trees. I kissed you first. How shy and afraid was your girlhood. Not any woman on earth or in heaven could be to me what you are. I would rather you were here, woman, with your gray hair, than any fresh blossom of youth. Where you are is home. Where you are not is homesickness. As I look at you I realize that there is something greater than love, although love is the greatest thing in earth. It is loyalty. For were I driven away in shame you would follow. If I were burning in fever your cool hand would soothe me. With your hand in mine may I pass and take my place among the saved of Heaven. Being eight years the eldest—and as the years went by and I felt that the time of parting might be near—it was often the drift of our thought and speech: how could either of us be left alone. Alone, after living together for 56 years. I scarcely dared think of it and though a bit selfish comforted myself thinking [that] according to our age I would not be the one left alone.”

Another handwriting then appears later on the same page. It is Therissa’s voice, gently closing John’s journal:

“Almost two years and a half since the last writing, and its following events are so sad, so heartbreaking for this, his life’s companion that this pen has been laid down many times ere this record is made. Loss and loneliness [are] ever present and will be with me to the end. … Will time soften this sadness, will I be able to leave the Old Home and not feel that he is waiting for me, calling me? I am only content at home where I feel that he is watching over me, his presence always with me.

“On March 11, 1923, John Haslem Clark passed away after an illness of only one week. He seemed so like himself, talking and active. We had no thought that the end was near until he passed into unconsciousness a few hours before his death. Oh, may we all be as clean and pure, ready to go before our Maker.” 10

We do not know the details of John and Therissa’s life as they crossed over the thresholds of their days. But we do know how 56 years of daily conversations finally shaped the kind of people they became, the kind of love they knew.

OH NO. I found the home videos. . . . .

Had to post a couple clips
There is no hope in getting homework done this weekend while I'm at home visiting
there are about nine discs FULL of family home videos..I'm watching all of them!
gotta love it :) 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

See ya later 500's!

Today calls for a celebration:
499 days until Elder Hyde returns home! We're finally out of those 500's..
the 500's were full of fun, tears, laughs, excitement, a skype call, & a new semester at BYU-Idaho..along with many other things..a lot has changed but one IMPORTANT thing remains the same;
I just LOVE him.
My handsome Peruvian boyfriend.
I am so proud of him. His love for the gospel and his mission is inspiring to me.
I feel so blessed to be a part of this journey. With each letter, I am only more and more impressed.
J holds my heart.
He is the best thing in my life, and he makes me a better me.

you're amazing, Elder Hyde. Wouldn't want you anywhere else than in Peru--you are happier than ever, and I am willing to share you as long as you come back eventually... :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Magnificently Memorable Memorial Day Weekend! (Say that five times fast!)

This weekend, my roommate/best friend Kait and I (fellow MG<3) made the five hour voyage back to my little town of Middleton, and had ourselves quite the time.My parents always jokingly say "we wear our kids out", oh but IT IS TRUE! My mom and dad are constantly on the dead-go. Here are some pictures from this weekend. 
What's a road trip without Wendy's? :)

Cody sneaking up to this miniature car across from
the gas station

Don't worry he got caught...bahahaha

Weirdest sign ever


Trying to find a hot springs in the mountains

My best friends

The River in Banks

The hot springs ended up being closed...after we had driven a whopping two hours...so we decided to make our own fun..(hence the pictures!)..after our little photo shoot, we went to Horseshoe Bend, Idaho..and pulled off to a gas station. We asked, "What is there to do for fun in this town?" They pointed to the little barn/country cafe across the road....So, we walked in & listened to live band called, "The Northward Frogs"...and ate some delicious pie and icecream. SO random, but it was just our kind of Saturday night :)

Then Sunday we went to church, & Kait and I visited the Hyde's. JJ sent me a package :) Highlight of my weekend!!!

Mom is excited too!

How'd I get so lucky? :)

Just got an SD full of pictures, yay!!

And then for Monday...