I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Box of donuts

Box of Donuts

Today as I was unpacking all of our things into our new little home, I started laughing randomly.

When I was 7 months pregnant, I had a strong craving: Krispy Kreme donuts, a dozen of them-- assorted flavors. It was a Saturday morning and my husband was totally on board.

I could not wait to get home and eat like 8 of them, but I decided not to open the box until we got home so I could eat them with milk. Priorities right? Well, as we were entering our neighborhood, my husband and I got into a heated argument. 7 months pregnant, and hormonal as all get out. I did something that I thought was 100% rational. . . Less than 2 feet away, I threw the box of donuts at him. I started sobbing, and as soon as we got home, I took the truck and drove to my mom's house.

I wasn't crying because I was sad about the argument, I was crying because I didn't get to eat the donuts. My poor husband, shocked, and still wearing his boot from a leg injury. . . Ended up stepping on two glazed donuts when in turn made him smell like maple syrup for days and also caused him to be the target of Dogs everywhere.

I got to my mom's house and cried about what JJ had said to me. She calmly listened and then asked, "& what was it that you said to him?" In my mind I was thinking, "no mom! You're on my side." But then, I came to a realization that I was not innocent and my reaction was inappropriate(though funny now) especially since I was partially to blame. She gave me a hug and told me to go home.

A funny story, that was completely irrational on my part and in the past. Our marriage isn't perfect, its far from it. We are best friends, but still. . .when you live with someone, you're bound to argue once in a while. AND IF YOU HEAR SOMEONE SAY THEY NEVER ARGUE WITH THEIR HUSBAND THEN THEY ARE EITHER LYING OR THEY ARE REALLY MISSING OUT ON THE GOOD THINGS ABOUT MARRIAGE.

Last night, oh actually--scratch that, at 6 AM, I was so frustrated. Carter was wide awake, and had been since 4 AM. I had tried to wake up JJ to take him to change his diaper-- our nightly routine. I do the feeding, he does the changing. But my sweet, tired husband would not budge; he just continued to snore. "That's okay", I thought to myself, "he changes the diapers every night, I'll take this shift." So I changed Carter's diaper. .  oh, but that was not the end of the story. Little turkey was up for TWO HOURS. Finally, I got up out of bed angrily and LO AND BEHOLD, it woke up my husband. Instead of getting mad at my precious and innocent newborn son, I let JJ feel the wrath. Keep in mind, that both of us were half asleep but I committed the WORST sin. I told him to "shut up", something we had promised we would never say to each other in our marriage.

He said something back, and I tried to say sorry, and he shut me down hardcore. Well, of course I couldn't sleep. So after baby went to bed, I laid there. . .awake. until like 6:30.

Later in the morning, he came home from football and I didn't even glance at him. I asked him to hold Carter while I took a shower, still not looking at him. I'm sure he was rolling his eyes like 715 times. I turned on Pandora and "WE ARE NEVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER" was on full blast, instead of skipping it-- I let it play, I let it play loudly. I heard him say, "nice song choice, babe." with the hint of a snicker. After I got out of the shower, I got dressed, took my sweet (well deserved) time and then walked into the bedroom seeing my husband holding Carter in his arms. I kissed Carter on the head. . .

& all of the sudden, my husband was grabbing me by the chin and kissing me. Well, gee, how could I deny that? So I kissed him back and we said sorry.

It's the little memories like these, that make me step back and realize that I have a really great husband who puts up with a lot of my drama. He's caring, forgiving, and "NASCAR FAST" at changing diapers. A successful marriage takes TWO forgivers. Even when I'm prideful and stubborn, he melts my heart and makes me realize my faults. <3

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