I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Oh heyyyy, remember me?

Welp, after JJ got home from his mission, my blogging pretty much diminished. I would like to give an update on our little life. . . and tell you the reason why I've decided to blog again.

Update: JJ and I are approaching our two year anniversary; guys, is this real life? I can't believe it. He's been home from his mission for over TWO YEARS. All that waiting sure proved to be worth it. Life is happy because we are expecting a little baby boy. He is due March 21st, and we could not be more excited for his arrival.

Let me give a brief little explanation of the "onesie" in the announcement photo. See people, this is what happens when you give up your blog. . . then you decide you really miss it and then your short update becomes the size of a Twilight novel. Bare with me, y'all.

My husband got a scholarship to play football for the College of Idaho. He was having an amazing 1st season; He got offensive player of the week, and was absolutely killin' it as a QB.

Until, for some reason we still don't understand. . . . . as he was going in for his THIRD touchdown of the game. . . . 

He broke his leg. Bye season. 

Same day he got his hard cast on,
we found out we were having a baby BOY

To make matters even more dramatic. . . this happened while I was still in my early pregnancy. Which for me, meant SEVERE MORNING SICKNESS. Also, I was doing my student teaching. ANNNNNND our cat got an infection. Ok, I admit, its kind of funny now but it wasn't at the time. 
& yes, that is a cone and yes, it does say "space kitty" on it AAAAANNNNNDDDD "stay strong, kitty." Update on our cat that we are obsessed with/love way too much: She is doing just fine, we took her to the vet three times and got her medicine and she is fat and golden now. Thanks for asking. 

But wait. . . . . the plot thickens. 

Shortly after my husband breaks his leg, my mom (aka best friend aka rock aka lifeline aka twin) gets in an ATV accident and breaks her freakin BACK. This is not a joke. 

My life got turned upside down and here I was just trying not to run over and vomit in the toilet every five seconds (thanks, son!). 

JJ got cleared to walk without cast or scooter about 6 weeks ago, and 3 weeks ago my mom finally got to toss her back brace. Miracles do happen. We didn't know how long the recovery process would be for my mom and we also didn't know if JJ would be walking by the time our little guy entered the world. But like I said, miracles happen.

Speaking of miracles, (and no, I'm not talking about my decision to finally update my blog), I am in need of a BIG one. Now for the reason I'm blogging again. . . . my life has made an unexpected turn.

Baby boy, the love of my life, my little son is causing me to pass out/faint 3x PER DAY. We aren't quite sure how he's doing this. . . but what we have gathered so far is that I have vasovagal syncope. Basically, your vagus nerve runs through your whole body and for some odd reason, its being pushed or something. Soooo weird, right? Thanks baby boy, we had a good solid three months in between the morning sickness and the fainting. So, now I'm restricted to a recliner or my bed. Yep, I get babysat 24/7 and we are living at my parents' house. which has been so fun. No complaints with that! They're awesome. It is hard, however, to feel so incapable. I would love to clean and do the dishes or even just run around. . . .but nope, I'm a fainting goat now (look up fainting goat on youtube--literally me). . .  Sad news is, I was teaching Kindergarten and I had to quit; I sobbed the whole time I had to pack up my classroom. :(

So, I'll be on the blog a lot more now. I don't know if that's good news or bad news. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you blogged.. I love reading blogs! I hope you stop fainting so you can enjoy things more! But your little boy will be here before you know it!
