I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


All my dreams came true!!! Every 11:11 wish, every prayer, ever hope over the past 2 years has been granted!!

I'm marrying my missionary. I am so happy, beyond words.

SO, I thought I would share the proposal story. Still need to update my blog.
Alright, so. . . the ring is a family heirloom. It is my great-grandmother's, so it's really special to me. Basically, he got the prongs fixed, and got a new diamond in the middle because the original was cracked in half. I also didn't want to separate the band from the engagement ring so he had them sautered together. Well, I didn't think it would be done as early as it had been done. And my mom and him are super sneaky because I swear I was with him like 24/7 before he proposed. . .not sure how he got the ring from my mom, still a mystery. Anyway. . .
The day of the proposal, he was "helping his mom set up an activity for all the grandkids". Part of the Thanksgiving Itinerary was that there would be an activity with all the grandkids Wednesday night. . . I didn't think anything of it because his mom is just super cute and does things like that all the time. Well, my mom had me run errands with her all day and then I went to Catching Fire with Jaje. He wasn't acting nervous or anything so I didn't suspect anything. After the movie, we had to stop at the grocery store "to get mustard", little did I know, he was stalling while his mom finished up the final touches on the "grandkids party". So, we pull up to his house and he opens my door and we start walking to his front door. . . .
He stops and goes, I think I hear them outback, lets go sneak up on them! So, we go into the backyard. . . and its set up as a carnival.
LET'S BACK UP. Two years ago, two months before he went on his mission, we went to the Western Idaho Fair together. . . . basically, a whole bunch of stuff happened and that's when we both realized we were in love with one another. It was a memorable date that we often reflected on throughout his mission.
Fast forward to the proposal: So, little carnival games were set up, posters, lights, food, and country music...all his nieces and nephews were there playing and I didn't suspect a thing.
Slowly, they all started going into the house...that's when I caught on. The last game, we were alone and it was a basketball game. He said to me, "does this remind you of anything Genny?" I started crying and said YES! haha, and then he said a whole bunch of sweet stuff that I don't remember because I was freaking out inside and he proposed.
Still on cloud 9. Head over heels. Waiting was the best decision I ever made. Can't imagine life without him. And that's that. March 21st is the big day!!


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