I will always love you, I will always choose you.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

God has great plans for YOU, Trust Him.

Adversity can make life challenging, but it is something we can definitely overcome. Fervent prayer and the atonement of Christ can help you to better yourself, continually. I just want to say that I love this gospel. I am most at peace when I am choosing the right and living my life in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. Trials will come my way, I will feel weak, I will want to break down. . .but its these same trials, that make me stronger. The Lord knows better than I, what I need in my life--He holds the plan, all I can do is serve Him and be the best Genny I can be. Prayer is such a blessing, a personal communication line with our Father in heaven. I know that He hears me, I am his daughter and he loves me unconditionally; nobody can love me the way he does. For that, I want to be the best daughter I can be, and carry his name with me at all times. I choose today to be a better disciple of Christ, a better missionary, a better member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints because I owe my life to the One who created me, I owe my life to my future spouse and children, its not about me. . .its about my loved ones and this wonderful, crazy life. It is too short to hurt others, to hurt yourself. . .it is never too late to change yourself for the better. 

SO sorry bloggers.

Basically, I have been slacking completely at updating my blog. If you look to the right side of my blog, I literally haven't posted any month mark pictures since we hit one year. Ooopsie, forgive me?

Elder Hyde, after spending 7 months in Chimbote, was transferred to a new area. He says its HOT, HOT, HOT! Also, the downside. . . no post office, so my weekly letters wont be happening anymore. I'm going to have to be strong until the next transfer. I'm spoiled by getting letters (almost) every week, so now I get to experience what waiting is like without those little pushers every seven (or so) days. I'm able to email his sister with e-mails specifically for him that she can forward to him, so that might have to be our form of communication for awhile. He is so obedient and doesn't email me directly (he's not allowed to in his mission). Anyway, he is excited for a new area and new companion. Even though he loved his last companion too. I love the way that my sweetheart works hard and looks at everything so positively. In his last letter, he told me that cockroaches were in his toothbrush one morning, and it is a normal thing for hair to show up randomly in your food. . . . . he said that he's pretty much used to cockroaches and hair. As for me, I would absolutely DIE. He is so strong, I look up to him so much. The boy has my heart. As for our journey, it is coming to a close. . . we have 7 months, 3 weeks left. Some may say that is an extremely long time, but its not if you've already made it through 17 months. We got this in the bag. We are still very much in love, and even talked about our official yet unofficial wedding date for next April. Things are good here, I miss him but. . . you know what, time is love. I've got to do this, so might as well put a smile on my face even if I feel like crying. ;) you MG's understand those same emotions, right?

Here is my most recent facebook message I wrote to him. I found that I can write my "mushy-ooey gooey" stuff over private messages on facebook instead of in letters, just so he can stay 100% focused. He's going to be surprised by all the messages when he gets home ;) haha. . . . .

"You sent me this e-mail just before you left. I miss you so dang much, JJ. 7 months, 3 weeks away from seeing you. I dreamed about you last night and woke up smiling. You are still the same JJ I fell in love with almost three years ago. You'll never believe this, I've told you once before, and I've told my mom..but, I really did fall in love with you so fast...that first day I met you, I was completely head over heels. . . it was such a simple little date; ice cream and the park. . . but there was something about you that just had me so crazy about you. I've always loved you. Now, here we are, nearly three years later. . . look at how far we have come. I still have to pinch myself sometimes, because, us back together, almost feels like a dream. I'm so happy that you were so determined to get me back, and that I was able to open my heart up again. You've changed, JJ. You've turned into such a great man, not that you weren't before, but there is just something in your eyes--this certain glow about you. You're so happy. I know you are having the time of your life, serving your mission in Peru. I love that you LOVE your mission, this makes me so happy--and it makes things worth it. I am willing to share you as long as I have you for eternity. You are my best friend, JJ. You are the best thing in my life, thank you for choosing me. I love you.

'Genny Lynn Gustin you are amazing. I'm so in love with you. I always will be. Each day that goes by I learn something new about you that causes me to fall deeper and deeper in love. These last 3 days in Rexy have been bittersweet. Sweet cause I got to spend it all with you. Bitter because I knew I would be leaving. I already miss you so much and can't wait to see you again. I love you darlin. Loving you is the best feeling in the world. You make me so happy. Beyond happy. You make me a better me. You truly do. You are a very special daughter of God. You are the greatest blessing I can receive from Heavenly Father and I'm gonna make sure I do everything in my power to receive that blessing. I am going to marry you Genny Lynn Gustin. I love you I love your family and I love the way Genny Lynn Hyde sounds;) you have my heart baby. I want you and only you to hold it and take care of it. I know you will cause I know how much you love me. I loved our walk to the temple the other day. I feel this is right. But I also felt that Genny Lynn Gustin is one of the Lords top sweet angels. And if you want to be good enough to be with her you need to be the best you. Gen you are something special. I promise you and Heavenly Father that I will be worthy to take you through the temple one day and love you more than anyone else possibly can. Eternally.'

, love Elder Hyde"